Ai, ai sorja aka Aijai sorja

Country: Finland
Type: longways non-progressive set dance
Formation: even number of couples (6-8 couples) in two lines, M to L, W to R as seen from the front. W hold skirts, M have fists on hips.

                   M1   W1
                   M2   W2
                   M3   W3
                   M4   W4
                   M5   W5
                   M6   W6
		  etc   etc

Steps: hyppy (step-hop), kisa askel (buzz), uhtuan askel, vaihtoaskel (change step)
Sheet music: a medley of 3 tunes: 'Ai, ai sorja' (2xAABB,A=B=4), followed by 2 as yet unidentified.
Recordings: Ahvenainen, Veikko Juhlakonsertti [YouTube]; Halonen, Heta 'Aijai sorja sinisilmäpoika' Suomi 100 - Kauneimmat kansanlaulut 2016 [YouTube]; Heikkilä, Hannu 'Ai, ai sorja sinisilmätyttö' Aarioita ja lauluja 2019 [YouTube]; Lund, Maria 'Ai, ai sorja sinisilmäpoika' [YouTube]; Taika Juuret [YouTube]; Taika choir [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-2 1 (a) W dance 4 step-hops over to men's line, starting with L foot
3-4   clap R hands with partner on (1:1), turning 1/2 turn CCW, and return to place with 4 step-hops, while M do full turn CCW on the spot, with 4 step-hops.
1-4   M repeat (1 (a)).
5-8   (b) All dance 4 step-hops into centre, and take two-hand hold with partner.
Odd numbered couples back out to men's side (M backwards, W forwards) while even numbered couples back out to women's side (W go backwards, M forwards) to form two lines of couples. 4 step-hops.
5-8   All dance 8 step-hops turning CW on the spot with partner. Finish as two lines of couples facing across the set.
1-4   (c) All turn individually to face front of set, fists on hips. All dance 8 'uhtuan askel' to opposite side. [W pass in front]
1-4   All dance 8 'uhtuan askel' back to place.
|:5-8:|   (d) M and W form separate circles, 3-4 people per circle, with shoulder hold. Dance 8 buzz steps CW and 8 buzz steps CCW.
Finish in two lines, as at beginning of dance, facing front.
|:9-20:| 2     Lines move toward the front, curving in to pass through opposite line. Women continue to the R, Men to the L, curving around to meet partner at the end of the set. Couples then move forward, up the centre of the set, forming an arch with joined inside hands.
As each couple reaches the top of the set, M and W turn individually (M CCW and W CW) to face down the set and proceed down the set under the arches.
At the bottom of the set, alternate couples go right and left around to form a closed circle of all 6-8 couples. Step throughout, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, is walk-walk-'change step'.
21-28 3 (a) In closed circle, dance 8 step-hops moving CW (21-24), swinging arms in and out. Repeat moving CCW (25-28).
Finish in double circle, M facing out, W facing in, no hand hold.
21   (b) Beckon to partner with R forefinger, 3 times.
22   Slap L knee with R hand, then R knee with L hand, and finally L knee with R hand.
23-24   Take two-hand hold with partner, and dance 4 step-hops, turning 1/2 turn CW on the spot.
25-28   Repeat (3 (b)), finish in double circle, M facing out, W facing in, as at end of 3 (a).
21   (c) Holding parner with MR/WL hand, raise joined arms and both look under.
22   Change hold to ML/WR hand, and look under raised joined arms as before.
23-24   Drop hold, raise R hand to shade eyes, and peer into distance, (looking for a different partner?).
M step out and all form large closed circle.
25-28   Dance 8 step-hops CW to finish dance.

Ai, ai sorja sinisilmäpoika mun toivoni palaa sinuun.
Ikävään minä kuolisin, jos unhoittaisit minun.
Vie, vie järven sinipintalaine mun toivoni toiselle puolen.
Sano sille rakkaalle heilalleni, että ikävään minä kuolen!
Another version of lyrics

Provenance: This appears to be a choreography. Taught by Martti Vanhapelto, in Vancouver, 1988-03-25 to 26.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1988-03.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-05-15, rev. 2023-01-16.

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