Anianpellon jenkka aka Mattin jenkka

Country: Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: closed circle of couples. M has partner on his R side.
Steps: sottiisi (schottis), sivuaskelikkoa (side-step), hyppy (step-hop)
Sheet music:
(1) Jukarainen, Helvi/ Tanssikontti: tanhusommitelmia, tansseja, laululeikkejä lapsille ja aikuisille. s.l.: Atena kustannus, 1988.
(2) Pelimannisävelmiä. V, Soitteita Etelä-Hämeestä = Spelmanslåtar : Melodier från det centrala Tavastland. Helsinki: Fazer, 1986.
Recordings: 'Anianpellon jenkka' Etelä-Hämeen Pelimannit (Satsanga Records) track 04 [YouTube]. Rajamäen Pelimannit 'Anianpellon jenkka' (Suomen Nuorison Liitto SNL34, 1965?)
and possibly (not yet confirmed at time of writing) Joutsela, Teijo 'Anianpellon markkinoilla' Humppaveikot (Scandia-EHSLP 1031) track B5c; Lavi, Veikko 'Anianpellon markkinoilla' Isojen poikien lauluja (Fazer Records-8573-83815-2, 2000) track 13.

Bars Part Dance progression
1-2 (a) During introductory bars, all W turn towards partner (CCW) one-half turn to face out of circle. Reform closed circle, hands at shoulder height.
2 schottis steps & turn: Beginning with ML/WR foot, dance 2 schottis steps moving in RLOD.
3-4   All drop hands with corner, and R in R with partner and L hand held up, turn one full turn CW on the spot, 4 step-hops. Finish in closed circle, W facing out and M facing in.
5-8, 1-8   Repeat (a) three times. Finish in open circle, W facing out, M facing into circle, with partner on his R side.
9-12 (b) M figuré: M, with arms folded on chest, dance 2 schottis steps into centre (9-10), turn one-half turn CW on the spot to face out with 2 step-hops (11), and clap and stamp 3 times (12).
13-16   M dance 2 schottis steps towards partner, passing partner on the R (13-14), take two-hand hold with partner and turn a full turn CCW on the spot with 4 step-hops (15-16). M finish facing out of circle with arms folded on chest.
9-16   W figuré: W repeat (b), dancing into centre with 2 schottis steps (9-10), turning one half-turn CCW on the spot with 2 step-hops (11), clapping three times (12), dancing away from centre with 2 schottis steps (13-14), passing partner on the R, and turning with two-hand hold to partner one full turn CW with 4 step-hops.
Couples finish with M facing out of circle, W facing partner, and holding inside hands.
1-2 (c) Turn individually: M turn CCW, W turn CW, two full turns, moving in LOD. 4 step-hops. Finish in waltz hold with partner, M facing out of circle and W facing in.
3-4   All dance 4 side-steps, moving in LOD.
5-8, 1-8   Repeat (c) three times. Finish in closed waist-shoulder hold with partner.
|:9-16:| (d) Couple turn: All dance 32 step-hops, turning CW and moving in LOD.
Repeat from (a) as desired.

Lyrics: see Savilampi, Antti Workshop Toronto ja Seattle 2004 [syllabus] s.l.: s.n., 2004. p.4.

See YouTube videos with Nivren FDG 2009, unattributed 2013.

Provenance: choreography attributed to Helvi Jukarainen. Taught by Motora in Vancouver 1978-10-26, by Susanna Daley at 26th Annual Northwest Folk Dance Festival, Enumclaw, WA 1976-08, and by Wes Ludeman & Carolyn Hunt at Skandia Festival, Berkeley CA, Feb. 1985.

Source: Jukarainen, Helvi/ Tanssikontti: tanhusommitelmia, tansseja, laululeikkejä lapsille ja aikuisille. s.l.: Atena kustannus, 1988.
See also:
-- Savilampi, Antti Workshop Toronto ja Seattle 2004 [syllabus] s.l.: s.n., 2004. p.4.
-- Acla Anjanpellon jenkka [in Swedish]
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-03-17, rev. 2023-09-07.

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