Bohm'ska galoppen med stjuls, Kimito

Country: Kimito, Åboland, Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle or line of couples, waltz hold facing in LOD. [Heikel describes formation as couples side by side in a line, all facing same direction.]
Steps: fotombytesteg (change-step), galoppsteg (slip-steps) sjuls/tvåstegspolka
Sheet music:
(1) Heikel, Yngvar./ Nr. 701 in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938., p.375.;
(2) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Musik till 10 finlandssvenska folkdanser. (Instruktionshäfte 3) [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 1977.;
(3) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2001-2002. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 2001. p.27.;
(4) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2007-2008. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 2007. p.10.
Recordings: Finlands svenska folkdansring Årsprogram 2007-2008 track 12.

Bars Part Dance progression
1-3 (a) Galopp: Couples dance 6 slip-steps in LOD (to M's left).
4   Couples stamp (4:1), with ML/WR foot, and switch to reverse waltz hold facing in RLOD.
5   Couples dance 2 slip-steps in RLOD (to M's right).
6   Couples stamp (6:1), with MR/WL foot, and switch to waltz hold facing in LOD.
7   Couples dance 2 slip-steps in LOD (to M's left).
8   Couples stamp (8:1), with ML/WR foot, and switch to reverse waltz hold facing in RLOD.
1-8   Repeat (a) with reverse handholds and footwork, ie beginning with 6 slip-steps in RLOD.
|:9-12:| (b) Stjuls: In waltz hold, couples dance 4 turning steps CW with lilting change-steps, followed by 4 ditto turning CCW.
If couples are in a circle, movement is in LOD; if in a line, steps are danced on the spot [see FSF sources].
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube videos Svenskfinlands samdans till BARNLEK 2020, Pellinge folkdansare, 2013.

Provenance: named after the folk-musician Gustaf Bohm, after whose playing the sheet music was transcribed by Otto Andersson in 1904.

-- Heikel, Yngvar./ Nr. 701 in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982. s.l.: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938., pp. 375, 454, 462-463.
See also:
-- Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 10 finlandssvenska folkdanser. (Instruktionshäfte 3) [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 1977. p.25.
-- Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2001-2002. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 2001. pp.27, 56.
-- Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2007-2008. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, 2007. pp.10-11.
-- Blomberg, Marcus. documentation provided for Nordlek 1973 in Esbo. 2007 [sic]. p.6.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-03-20, rev. 2023-01-29.

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