Country: Satakunta, Finland
Type: quadrille set dance
Formation: 4 or 8 couples in a quadrille (square) set. Head couples have backs to or face music, Side couples stand respectively to R of head couples.
M has partner on his right, holding inside hands at shoulder height, free fist on hip.
C3 C2 C4 C1 musicSteps: hyppy (step-hop), vaihtoaskelikko (change-step), kävely (walk)
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-4 | 1 (a) | Vastuu (advance & retire): Head couples, starting with ML/WR foot, advance 4 walking steps, nod to opposite, and retire with 4 walking steps. |
5-8 | Side couples vastuu as above. | |
1-8 | Head and side couples repeat (1 (a)). | |
9-12 | (b) | Kiertuli (dos-à-dos): M1 and W3 dance dos-à-dos, 8 walking steps. |
13-16 | Ditto M2 and W4. | |
9-12 | Ditto M3 and W1. | |
13-16 | Ditto M4 and W2. | |
17-24 | 2 (a) | Marssi (chase): All turn to face CW, individually, with fists on hips (ie no hand hold). 8 walking steps CW around circle.
Turn 1/2 turn CW to face CCW, and do 8 walking steps moving CCW around the circle. |
25 | (b) | Polska: Two-hand hold with partner, starting with ML/WR foot, 1 change-step towards partner, swinging arms in, out, in. |
26 | Starting with MR/WL foot, 1 change-step moving somewhat away from partner, swinging arms out, in, out. | |
27-28 | Starting with ML/WR foot, repeat change-steps, as above. | |
29-32 | Turn with partner CW on the spot with 4 change-steps as above. | |
33-36 | Take two-hand hold with corner, and turn CCW with 4 change-steps as above. | |
25-36 | Repeat (2 (b)), first dancing change-steps and turning CW with corner, then CCW with partner. | |
37-44 | 3 (a) | Piirit (circles): Head couples form closed circle in centre of set, and dance 8 step-hops CW, and 8 step-hops CCW. |
37-44 | Side couples repeat (3 (a)). | |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): Head couples take two-hand hold with partner, and dance 8 change-steps turning CW on the spot. |
45-52 | Side couples repeat (3 (b)). | |
37-44 | 4 (a) | Piiri (W/M circle): All W make closed circle in centre of the set, hands at shoulder height, and dance 16 step-hops CW. |
37-44 | M repeat (4 (a)). | |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): head couples repeat (3 (b)). |
45-52 | Side couples repeat (3 (b)). | |
37-40 | 5 (a) | Läpikäynti (cross-over): Head couples take skaters position with thumb hold (M's R arm underneath). M swings partner over to his L side (stepping backwards on the first two steps to allow W to pass infront), and pass through opposite couple (W passing on inside) to opposite place. 8 walking steps.
Each turns inward to face into set, without changing places or altering handhold. |
41-44 | Repeat (5 (a)) to return to place. | |
37-44 | Side couples repeat (5 (a)). | |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): head couples repeat (3 (b)). |
45-52 | Side couples repeat (3 (b)). | |
37-44 | 6 (a) | Nurkkaparien läpikäynti (corner cross-over): M2 with W3 and M4 with W1 repeat (5 (a)). |
37-44 | M1 with W2, and M3 with W4 repeat (5 (a)). | |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): all couples repeat (3 (b)). |
45-52 | All take two-hand hold with corner and dance 8 change-steps turning CCW. | |
37-40 | 7 (a) | Hyvästijättö ('window' turn): M3 and W1 take R-hand hold, above shoulder height (to make a window), and walk CW around each other and back to place. 8 walking steps. |
41-44 | M4 and W1 repeat (7 (a)). | |
37-40 | M1 and W3 repeat (7 (a)). | |
41-44 | M2 and W4 repeat (7 (a)). | |
Meanwhile all sing:
|:Anna sä kultani oikeeta kättä, että mä saan sinut hyvästi jättää la la la la la la la la la la la la la la laa:| |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): all couples repeat (3 (b)). |
45-52 | All take two-hand hold with corner and dance 8 change-steps turning CCW. | |
37-40 | 8 (a) | Kierto (L/R hand turn): Head couples take L-hand hold with opposite, and walk CCW around each other. 8 walking steps. |
41-44 | Head couples take R-hand hold with partner, and walk CW around each other and return to place. 8 walking steps. | |
37-44 | Side couples repeat (7 (a)). | |
45-52 | (b) | Paripyörintä (couple turn): all couples repeat (3 (b)). |
45-52 | All take two-hand hold with corner and dance 8 change-steps turning CCW. | |
37-44 | 9 (a) | Piiri (circle): All couples form closed circle, and dance 16 walking steps CW and 16 walking steps CCW. |
See video from/with Karjalan Nuorten Tärsky-ryhmä 2023
Provenance: taught by Martti Vanhapelto, Portland OR, 1987-10-10 and 11, and by Antti Savilampi in 2004.
Source: Rausmaa, Esko Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp.93-95.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 147-150.
-- Väisänen, Yrjö/ nr 14 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia. Porvoo: Werner Söderström
Oy, [1962]. p.37.
-- Collan, Anni/ nr 64 in: Suomalainen kisapirtti. 4 painos. Helsinki: V. Söderström, 1946. pp.123-127.
-- Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 131 in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel.
(Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982.
Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. p.72.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1987-10-10 and 11.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-06-13, rev. 2023-09-17.
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