Hela världens polka

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, holding inside hands facing in LOD
Steps: kantavarvas (heel-toe), polkka, jalan heilautukset (step-swing), vaihtoaskelikko (change-step), kävely (walk)
Sheet music: [any Finnish polkka]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-2 1 (a) Heel-toe: Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR) all dance one change-step forward in LOD (1), followed by a heel-toe step with inside foot (2).
3-4   Turn to face RLOD, and repeat (1 (a)), beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, and moving in RLOD.
1-4   Repeat (1 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Polkka: All take polkka hold with partner and dance 8 polkka steps, moving in LOD.
1-2 2 (a) Step-swing: Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR) all dance 3 walking steps forward in LOD (1), followed by step-swing with inside foot (2).
3-4   Turn to face RLOD, and repeat (2 (a)), beginning with MR/WL foot, and moving in RLOD.
1-4   Repeat (2 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Polkka: All take polkka hold with partner and dance 8 polkka steps, moving in LOD.
1-2 3 (a) Walk: Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR) all dance one change-step forward in LOD (1), followed by 2 walking steps (2).
3-4   Turn to face RLOD, and repeat (3 (a)), beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, and moving in RLOD.
1-4   Repeat (3 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Polkka: All take polkka hold with partner and dance 8 polkka steps, moving in LOD.
1-2 4 (a) Individual turn: Drop hand hold, and beginning with outside foot (ML/WR) all dance 3 walking steps, individually turning one full turn, M turning CCW and W turning CW, and finishing with a clap on (1:4).
3-4   Repeat (4 (a), M turning CW and W turning CCW, with a clap on (2:4).
1-4   Repeat (3 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Polkka: All take polkka hold with partner and dance 8 polkka steps, moving in LOD.
Repeat from (1 (a)) as desired.

Source: Taught by Antti Savilampi at Oriveden tanhukurssi, Murikka, Dec. 27-30, 2019
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-01-08, rev. 2023-01-28.

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