Joraava orava

Country: Finland
Type: longways non-progressive set dance
Formation: even number of couples facing couples in two lines. Couples holding inside hands.

                facing     >   <
                          M1   W2
                          W1   M2
                          M3   W4
                          W3   M4
                          M5   W6
                          W5   M6
                          M7   W8
                          W7   M8

Steps: hyppyvappuaskele (pas-de-bas), karkelo ('feint'), laukka (slip-step), kävelyä (walk - soft, with lift).
Sheet music: Savilampi, Antti/ Workshop in Toronto-Vancouver 2002 [syllabus]. 2002.
Recordings: Fispeli 'comp. Jari Komulainen' Aathra track 12 [YouTube]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire): Couples, beginning with L foot, advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and dance 2 pas-de-bas (3-4).
Retire ditto (5-8).
1-8   Paripiiri (couple turn): Couples take waltz hold, turn CW on the spot (1-4) with 8 walking steps.
Repeat, turning CCW on the spot (5-8).
9-16   (b) W karkelo (feint): beginning with R foot, W dance karkelo to opposite M, passing opposite W on the L (9-12). 8 walking steps total.
W take waltz hold with opposite M and turn CW on the spot, 8 walking steps (13-16).
9-16   W repeat (1 (b)) to return to place.
|:1-8:| 2 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire) & couple turn: Repeat (1 (a)).
|:9-16:|   (b) M karkelo (feint): all M repeat (1 (b)), beginning with R foot.
|:1-8:| 3 (a) Laukkavastuu & (cpl advance,retire): Couples take waltz hold, dance 3 sidesteps towards opposite couple (1-2), and 3 sidesteps back to place (3-4).
Paikanvaihto (cross-over): All couples dance across the set to opposite place, passing opposite couple on the R (M back to back) and turning CCW as a couple at opposite place to face back into set on last bar (5-8). 8 slip-steps.
Repeat to return to place (1-8).
9-16   (b) W half-chain: W R-hand chain across the set. Courtesy turn CCW with opposite M. 8 walking steps.
Repeat to return to place.
9-16   M half-chain: M L-hand chain across the set. R-in-R thumb-hold turn CW with opposite W. 8 walking steps.
Repeat to return to place.
Finish in large closed circle [of 4 couples, ie couples 1-4, and couples 5-8]
1-8 4 (a) Circles (4 couples): In closed circles, all dance CW, 16 walking steps. Finish in original lines.
1-8   Dos-à-dos: Dance dos-à-dos CW around opposite dancer (1-4), 8 walking steps.
Arches: Odd-numbered couples make arch and advances, even-numbered couple passes under (5-6), 4 walking steps. Repeat arches, with even-numbered couple making arch (7-8), 4 walking steps.
9-16   (b) Läpikäynti (pass through): Opposite couples advance and pass through opposite couple (ie couples 1 and 3, 2 and 4, etc), passing on the L, and continuing a half-turn around partner (M on 'outside') to change places (9-12). 8 walking steps.
Repeat to return to place.
9-16   Paripiiri (couple turn): Couples take waltz hold, turn CW on the spot (9-11) with 6 walking steps, turning W under joined arms on the last two steps (12), 2 walking steps.
Repeat, turning CCW on the spot (13-16).
1-8 5 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire): Couples, beginning with L foot, advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and dance 2 pas-de-bas (3-4).
Retire ditto (5-8).
1-8   Enkeliskakierto (reel of 4): All couples dance R-shoulder reel of 4 in own lines, ie couple 1 with couple 3, couple 2 with couple 4, etc. 16 walking steps. Finish in place.
9-16   (b) One-hand star: Facing couples dance R-hand star, turning CW, 16 walking steps.
9-16   Facing couples dance L-hand star, turning CCW, 16 walking steps. Finish in place.
1-8 6 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire): Couples, beginning with L foot, advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and dance 2 pas-de-bas (3-4). Retire, using 4 walking steps to form large closed circle, and finishing with 2 pas-de-bas (5-8).
1-8   Circle: In closed circle, all circle CCW, 16 walking steps.
9-16   (b) Double circles: All W form closed inside circle, while M form open circle with R hand on partner's L shoulder. All circle CW, 16 walking steps.
M swing L arms over to finish in front basket, with M arms joined over, W arms joined under.
9-16   In basket hold, all circle CCW, 16 walking steps (9-12).
1-8 7 (a) Collapse circles: In basket hold, advance 4 walking steps (1-2) so that circle collapses and all are facing opposite, beginning with L foot, advance 4 walking steps (1-2), and in this position dance 2 pas-de-bas (3-4). Retire, with 4 walking steps to reform large closed circle, and finish with 2 pas-de-bas (5-8).
1-8   Repeat (7 (a)) collapsing circle perpendicular to first collapse (1-4) and reforming closed circle (5-8).
9-16   (b) Collapse circles & couple turn: Repeat (7 (a)) collapsing circle perpendicular to 2nd collapse (9-12), and reforming parallel lines (13-16).
9-16   Paripiiri (couple turn): Couples take waltz hold, turn CW on the spot (9-12) with 8 walking steps. Repeat, turning CCW on the spot (13-16).

See videos from/with Tosi-Isot, Dec. 2021 (4 couples) and Purpurit 2003 (8 couples). See also simplified version.

Provenance: choreographed by Antti Savilampi.

Source: [above description based on Tosi-Isot, Dec. 2021.]
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-01-13, rev. 2023-11-03.

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