Kaustisen juhlavalssi

Country: Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: closed circle of couples, hands at shoulder height. Described for 8 couples.
Steps: jalan heilautukset, (step-swing) valssi (waltz)
Sheet music: Folk Tune Finder Juhlavalssi, comp. Erkki Ojanen
Recordings: Kamariorkesteri Bravura [YouTube]; Raussin Pelimannit Kaustisen juhlavalssi (Decca-SD 5773, 1972) track A; Raussin Pelimannit Hyvässä seurassa 7 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 1 Circle moves CCW (LOD) beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot. 4 waltz steps.
5-8   Couples turn half turn CW to face out of circle, and reform closed circle. 4 waltz steps.
9-12   Circle moves CCW (LOD). 4 waltz steps.
13-16   Couples turn one-half turn CCW to face into circle, and reform closed circle. 4 waltz steps.
1-16 2 Repeat (1). Finish by turning W a 1-1/4 turn with inside hands CCW into courtesy hold, with all couples facing in LOD in open circle.
1-4 3 All dance 4 waltz steps forward in LOD.
5-8   Maintaining courtesy hold, turn one full turn CCW on the spot (M backwards, W forwards). 4 waltz steps.
9-16   Repeat (3). 8 waltz steps.
1-16 4 Repeat (3). 16 waltz steps.
1-8 5 All W form inner closed circle and dance CW. 8 waltz steps. Meanwhile, M face CCW and dance in open outer circle (hands on backs) CCW. 8 waltz steps.
9-16   M take partner in courtesy hold, and couples turn CCW (M backwards) twice round on the spot. 8 waltz steps.
1-16 6 Repeat (5). Finish in 4 lines of 4 persons each (from front: W M W M), facing audience. W infront of partner, and 2 couples per line.
        line 1     2     3    4
             M     M     M    M
             W     W     W    W
             M     M     M    M
             W     W     W    W
1-4 7 Person in front peers at partner behind him/her over L shoulder (1), then R shoulder (2). Meanwhile, person behind peers at partner over his/her respective shoulder. All turn individually one full turn CCW on the spot (3-4). 4 waltz steps.
5-8   Last person in each line moves to front of line, passing line by R shoulder. Meanwhile, the line moves slightly backwards one position. 4 waltz steps.
9-16   Repeat (7). 8 waltz steps.
9-16, 1-16 8 Repeat (7) twice. Finish in same order as at beginning of (7).
1-4 9 Front W in each line circles 1/2 turn CCW around partner to face second W in the line. Meanwhile, first M in each line turns 1/2 turn on the spot CCW to face down the line. 4 waltz steps.
5-8   W link R elbows with opposite W, and turn one full turn on the spot CW. 4 waltz steps.
9-16   M take partner in courtesy hold, and turn in M's place CCW two full turns (M backwards). 8 waltz steps.
1-8 10 W link R elbows with opposite W, and turn 2 full turns on the spot CW. 8 waltz steps.
9-16   M take partner in courtesy hold, and turn in M's place CCW two full turns (M backwards). 8 waltz steps. Finish in lines as before, W facing away from audience, M facing audience and holding hands across the lines.
1-16 11 Lines facing audience make arches while those facing away from audience duck under (passing L shoulders). As each line reaches front, dancers turn 1/2 turn CCW (individually) with 2 waltz steps to face down the line. As each line reaches back of set, turn 1/2 turn CCW with 2 waltz steps to face up the set, taking hands with others in the same line. 2 waltz steps per line interchange and 2 waltz steps for each turn at front and back of set. Total 16 waltz steps. Finish in lines as at beginning of (7), couples facing.
1-4 12 All advance 2 waltz steps (1-2), and retire 2 waltz steps (3-4).
5-8   All dance dos-à-dos, CW with partner. 4 waltz steps.
9-16   Repeat advance and retire (9-12), 4 waltz steps. Finish in 2 lines across the stage, (front couples move backwards towards WR, back couples moving forward beside them), W in front facing away from front, M facing front. Seen from the front, leftmost 4 couples turn to face to L (W is to L of partner), rightmost couples turn to face to R (W is to R of partner). 4 waltz steps.
1-8 13 All advance, W dancing in 2 arcs to meet at front, M dancing in 2 arcs to meet at back of set. 8 waltz steps.
9-16   W move in two parallel lines down the middleaway from front, M lines meet and move in 2 parallel lines towards front, outside the oncoming lines of women. W curve around (one line to L, the other to R) and move towards front in parallel lines outside the lines of men. 8 waltz steps. Finish as:
        line 1     2     3    4
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
1-8 14 W to L (seen from the front) form R hand star, while W to R (seen from the front) form L hand star. Stars turn respectively two full turns CW and CCW, 8 waltz steps.
9-16   W stars continue turning one full turn respectively CW and CCW, as M join beside own partner, beginning with frontmost M and continuing down the line. M do not form star but dance beside partner with hands on back. 8 waltz steps. Finish in four lines as at end of (13). Lines 1 and 2 facing to L (as seen from front), and lines 3 and 4 facing R.
1-8 15 W peer over shoulder furthest from front, then shoulder closest to front (1-2), and turn one full turn on the spot (3-4) lines 1-2 turning CW while lines 3 and 4 turn CCW, 4 waltz steps.
W dance in an arc towards front, turning 1/2 turn to face in centre. Meanwhile M move forward to where partner was, and turn towards centre 1/2 turn to face into set (5-8). 4 waltz steps Ie, lines at finish are:
        line 1     2     3    4
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
             W     M     M    W
with lines 1 and 2 facing to R (as seen from front) and lines 3 and 4 facing to L.
9-16   M peer over shoulder closest to front, then shoulder furthest from front (9-10), and turn one full turn on the spot (11-12) lines 1-2 turning CW while lines 3 and 4 turn CCW, 4 waltz steps.
M dance in an arc towards front, turning 1/2 turn to face sidelines. Meanwhile W move forward to where partner was, and turn towards centre 1/2 turn to face sidelines. 4 waltz steps Ie, lines at finish are as at the end of (8 a):
        line 1     2     3    4
             M     W     W    M
             M     W     W    M
             M     W     W    M
             M     W     W    M
Lines 1 and 2 facing to L (as seen from front), and lines 3 and 4 facing R.
1-16 16 Repeat (15). On the last 4 waltz steps, W approaches partner from behind on his R side, and all take open waist-shoulder hold. Leftmost line of couples (seen from front) face front, rightmost line of couples faces away from front.
1-8 17 All dance 4 slow walking steps with step-swing (1-4) moving in LOD to form open circle of couples. Take waltz hold with partner and dance turning waltz (5-8), 4 waltz steps moving in LOD (5-8).
9-16   Repeat (17).
1-16 18 All dance travelling waltz steps to form a line across front of stage, with final bow on last waltz step. 16 waltz steps.

Provenance: Choreography by Helvi Jukarainen (1910-2001), performed at Turku Europeade 2017.

Source: See YouTube videos from/with Kansantanssiryhmä Väkitukko ja Lappajärven pelimannit, 2013; Purpurit dancers, Vancouver BC; SISUn tanhuujat, Toronto ON, 2015
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-10-17, rev. 2023-09-19.

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