Country: Itä-Karjala, Finland
Type: longways non-progressive set dance
Sheet music:
(1) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.25.;
(2) Heikkilä, Sari (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävä r.y., 1988. p.14.;
(3) Ala-Jukuri, Irene/ Grand Finn Festival 2010 [syllabus]. Sault Ste Marie 2010.
(4) John Chambers abc collection.
See also: .midi file
Helsingin Kansanmusikiin Ystävät Old Finnish folk dances track 02;
Jani Uhlenius yhtyeineen 'Karjalan katrilli/Koiviston polska/Kaunis Karjala' [YouTube];
Kansantanhuyhtye 'Karjalan katrilli' Suomalaisia tanhuja track A3 [YouTube];
Kansantanhuyhtye 'Karjalan katrilli 2' [YouTube];
Karvinen, Antti Tanhuamme 1 track B3 [YouTube];
Karvinen, Antti Suomalaisia kansantanhuja 2 track A3 [YouTube];
Rytmi-kvintetti (Saarem yhtye) Tanhumusiikkia track A7.
As described in Tanhuvakka:
Formation: 6 couples, in two lines of couples facing couples. Even numbered couples stand in line to the L seen from the front, odd-numbered couples face them, to the R as seen from the front. M arms folded on chest, W holding skirt. W1-M1 W2-M2 W3-M3 front music M6-W6 M5-W5 M4-W4Steps: kisa askel (buzz step), puoliripaska, jalan heilautukset (step-swing), vaihtoaskelikko (change-step), kävelyä (walk), polkua (stamp/stomp), |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
|:1-4:| | 1 (a) | Läpikäynti (pass-through): Opposite couples change places (1-4), W passing on the inside.
3 change-steps (1-3), followed by 3 stamps (4).
Repeat backwards to return to place, followed by 3 stamps (1-4). |
|:5-8:| | (b) | Kisapyörintä (swing): Facing partner, with R arm around partner's waist, L arm in the air, dance 16 buzz steps turning CW on the spot. |
1-4 | 2 (a) | Pojat keskelle (M figuré): M advance, 3 change-step followed by 3 stamps (4).
Meanwhile W clap to beat. |
1-2 | Take R-thumb hold with opposite M, and dance 2 puoliripaska steps starting with L foot (ie kicking R foot). | |
3-4 | M turn one half turn CW with 2 walking steps and 3 stamps. | |
|:5-8:| | (b) | Kisapyörintä (swing): M returns to partner with 3 change-steps (5-7). Holding partner as in (1 (b)), dance 8 buzz steps turning CW on the spot. |
|:1-4:| | 3 (a) | Tytöt keskelle (W figuré): M clap in time to beat. Meanwhile, W advance 3 change-steps
and 3 stamps (1-4). Take 2-hand hold with opposite W. Dance 2 step-swings (1-2), first stepping R and swinging L foot.
W change to R-hand in R-hand hold, circle half way round CW to face own partner (3-4), 4 small walking steps. |
|:5-8:| | (b) | Kisapyörintä (swing): W again dance 2 step-swings (5-6), and retire to original place with change-steps. Holding partner as in (1 (b)), dance 8 buzz steps turning CW on the spot. |
|:1-4:| | 4 (a) | Tyttöyen kyykkyyn (M round W): Holding inside hands with partner, W crouch in place on R knee.
M circles partner CW with 4 change-steps (1-4).
M changes to L-hand hold with partner, and circles partner CCW, 4 change-steps (1-4). |
|:5-8:| | (b) | Kisapyörintä (swing): repeat (1 (b)). |
|:1-4:| | 5 (a) | Tyttöjen näyttö (courtesy hold approach/retire): Odd numbered couples, in courtesy hold,
advance to opposite couple, 4 change-steps (1-4l, turn on the spot CW with 3 change-steps (1-4).
Meanwhile inactive (even numbered) couples clap hands to beat. |
|:5-8:| | (b) | Active (odd numbered couples) retire to place (backwards) 3 change-steps (5-8). All couples dance hold as in (1 (b)) and dance 8 buzz steps CW on the spot. |
|:1-4:||:5-8:| | Even-numbered couples repeat (5 (a) and (b)). | |
|:1-4:| | 6 (a) | Piiri (circle): Odd numbered couples advance to opposite couple (M arms folded on chest, W holding skirts), 3 change-steps (1-4). Form closed circle with opposite couples and retire with opposite couples (1-4). |
|:5-8:| | All couples turn CW with 4 change-steps (5-8), followed by 4 change-steps turning CCW (5-8). | |
|;1-4:||:5-8:| | (b) | Kättely (chain): M turn L and begin R-hand chain with opposite W. All chain 16 change-steps to return to original place.
[Vanhapelto taught this as L-hand to partner, chain to first meeting with partner, turn half-way round with partner, and chain back, reforming original lines.] |
|:1-4:||:5-8:| | 7 | Portit (arches): All couples, holding inside hands, move to form queue facing front.
Couples 2-6 form arches, couple 1 passes through arches, followed by the other couples in turn. As each couple reaches the end of the arches,
it stands at the end of the queue, forming an arch.
[Vanhapelto taught this version of the finale as: Holding inside hands, all couples advance diagonally to front, forming single line of couples, with couple 1 in front. As each couple reaches front, it turns and goes through the arches formed by other dancers, rejoining line of couples at end of tunnel. Once all couples have gone through tunnel and couple 1 is again in front, advance to front, and raise inside hands.] See video from/with Painted Cloud Studio
As taught by Vanhapelto:
Formation: even number of couples, in two lines of couples facing couples. With MR hand around W's waist, and holding WL/WL hands, ie courtesy, promenade, or skater's position W1-M1 W2-M2 W3-M3 front music M6-W6 M5-W5 M4-W4 Steps: karkelo, ristai, juoksu (run) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-4 | 1 (a) | Pass through: Opposite couples change places, W passing on inside. 8 running steps. |
5-8 | Couple turn: Couples take skewed waltz hold, and dance 4 running steps turning CW on the spot. Finish facing out of set.
M turn CCW, W turn CW (ie away from partner) to face back into set. 4 running steps. |
1-4 | Ristai: M advance 4 running steps, turn a quarter turn to the L and dance 4 small running steps past opposite M, ie parallel to lines of the set. | |
5-8 | M turn a quarter turn R to face original place, Dance 8 small running steps back to place. W also dance 8 running steps back to place with partner. | |
|:9-16:| | (b) | Couple turn: Skewed waltz hold with partner, 16 running steps CW on the spot, and 16 running steps CCW. W turns CW under joined hands on last two beats. Finish facing into set. |
|:1-8:| | 2 (a) | W advance,turn,retire: W advance to opposite M. 8 running steps.
W and opposite M take waltz hold, and dance 8 running steps turning CW, and 16 running steps turning CCW. W turns CW under joined hands on last two beats. Finish facing into set. |
|:9-16:| | (b) | W repeat (2 a) to return to partner. |
1-4 | 3 (a) | M karkelo: M dance karkelo, with hop and full turn CCW, to opposite place. 8 running steps. |
5-8 | M take skewed waltz hold with opposite W, and dance 8 running steps turning CW on the spot. | |
1-8 | Still in waltz hold, dance 16 running steps turning CCW on the spot. | |
|:9-16:| | (b) | M repeat (3 a) to return to own partner at original place. |
|:1-8:| | 4 (a) | W karkelo: W repeat (3 a) above. |
|:9-16:| | (b) | W repeat (3 b) above. Finish in promenade hold. |
|:1-8:| | 5 (a) | Couples cross: All couples cross to opposite side, passing to R of oncoming couple. 8 running steps.
Still in promenade hold, dance 24 running steps turning CCW on the spot. |
|:9-16:| | (b) | M elbow-hook: M advance 4 running steps. Take R-elbow hook and into cross-back hold with opposite M (ie R-elbows hooked, and with R hand holding opposite M's L hand behind his back, both facing in opposite directions).
Dance 12 running steps turning CW on the spot. Ditto 16 running steps turning CCW on the spot. |
|:1-8:| | 6 (a) | M turn & retire: M change to waltz hold with opposite, and dance 16 running steps turning CW on the spot, and 16 running steps turning CCW on the spot.
Still in promenade hold, dance 24 running steps turning CCW on the spot. |
|:9-16:| | (b) | M return to original place, 4 running steps. Take waltz hold with opposite W, and dance 12 running steps turning CW, and 16 running steps turning CCW. |
|:1-8:||:9-16:| | 7 | Couples cross: W repeat (5 a) and (5 b) above. |
|:1-8:||:9-16:| | 8 | W turn & retire: W repeat (6 a) and (6 b) above. |
|:1-8:| | 9 (a) | Circles: Couples 3 and 4, holding inside hands, advance 4 running steps, retire 4 running steps.
Couples 3 and 4 form closed circle, and dance 8 running steps CW, followed by 16 running steps CCW. |
|:9-16:| | Couples 1, 2, 3, and 4 form closed circle, and dance 16 running steps CW, followed by 16 running steps CCW.
Finish in original places. |
|:1-8:| | (b) | All W form closed circle, and dance 16 running steps CW, and 16 running steps CCW.
Meanwhile, all M form closed circle outside circle of women, and dance 16 running steps CCW, followed by 16 running steps CW. |
|:9-16:| | All M swing joined hands over women's heads to form front basket, and all dance 16 running steps CW, followed by 16 running steps CCW. | |
|:1-8:| | All W swing joined hands over men's heads to form front basket, and all dance 16 running steps CW, followed by 16 running steps CCW. | |
9-12 | Couples return to original place, 8 running steps. | |
13-16 | With waltz hold with partner, 8 running steps on the spot, turning CW. | |
9-16 | Followed by 16 running steps on the spot, turning CCW. | |
3x[|:1-8:||:9-16:|] | 10 | Circles: Repeat (9 a) and (9 b), this time couples 1 and 2 begin. |
|:1-8:| | 11 (a) | Open circle: Couples, in promenade hold, and facing CCW dance 16 running steps in circle CCW.
Followed by 16 running steps on the spot turning CCW. W turns CW under joined hands on the last 2 beats, turning so that the couple faces LOD. |
|:9-16:| | (b) | Couples dance 16 running steps in LOD. Ditto in RLOD.
W turns CW under joined hands on the last 2 beats. Provenance: As taught by Martti Vanhapelto, Vancouver, 1987-02.
Provenance: Known in SNL since the 1940s, but first published in 1955. Earlier published in Kisakentä in 1943.
Taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Vancouver BC and Hillsboro OR, 1987, and by Irene Ala-Jukuri at Grand Finn Festival, Sault Ste Marie 2010-07.
Removed from 2012 edition of Tanhuvakka.
Html: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-08-07, rev. 2023-04-23.
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