Katrilli Halilasta

Country: Halila, southern Karelia, Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: quadrille set of 4, 6 or 8 couples, numbered CW around the set. Head couples (couples 1 and 3, if a 4 couple set) face or have back to music, side couples (couples 2 and 4) stand respectively to L of head couples. [Since this dance is from Karelia, free hands hang at sides, joined hands are held down.]
Steps: laukka (slip-steps), karkelo kääntyen, polkka, kävelyä (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.38.;
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.30.
(3) 'Wiipurin pojan polska' JYX > Nuotit ja musiikki > Suomen Kansan eSävelmät > Kansantanssit
(4) Krohn, Ilmari/ Vanhoja pelimannisävelmiä. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, [1975]
Recordings: Pelimannikilta Katrillaten I track 04.

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Karkelo: Head couples dance karkelo kääntyen, backing into opposite place (1-4).
Head couples repeat karkelo to return to original place (1-4).
|:1-4:|   Side couples repeat (1 (a)).
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: All couples take polkka hold and dance polkka turning CW while moving CCW (in LOD) around the set. 8 polkka steps. Ditto turning CCW while moving CCW, 8 polkka steps.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Poikien & tyttöjen piirit (M & W circles): All M form closed circle, and dance CW (1-4), 8 slip-steps. Ditto CCW, 8 slip-steps (1-4).
|:1-4:|   All W form closed circle, and dance CW (1-4), 8 slip-steps. Ditto CCW (1-4), 8 slip-steps.
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: All couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Kahden käden risti (M & W 2-hand star): All M form 2-hand star and dance CW (1-4), 8 [walking] steps. Ditto CCW (1-4), 8 [walking] steps.
[Nordlek documentation described this as all M form R-hand star, grasping R wrist of the dancer in front, and dance CW, 16 [walking] steps.]
|:1-4:|   All W form 2-hand star and dance CW (1-4), 8 [walking] steps. Ditto CCW (1-4), 8 [walking] steps.
[Nordlek documentation described this as all W form L-hand star, grasping L wrist of the dancer in front, and dance CCW, 16 [walking] steps.]
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: Side couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 4 (a) Piirit (head & side circles): Head couples form closed circle and dance CW (1-4), 8 slip-steps. Ditto CCW (1-4), 8 slip-steps.
|:1-4:|   Side couples repeat (4 (a)).
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: All couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 5 (a) Portit (arches): Couple 1 makes an arch and dances CW around the set (:1-4:), 16 walking steps. [Meanwhile all other couples crouch down in place.]
[Nordlek documentation described this as both head couples make arches holding inside hands with partner, and walking CW around the set, passing over the crouching side couples. 32 walking steps. Ditto both side couples, similarly walking CCW around the set.]
|:1-4:|   Couple 3 makes an arch and dances CCW around the set (:1-4:), 16 walking steps.
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: All couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:|   (c) Couple 2 makes an arch and dances CW around the set (:1-4:), 16 walking steps.
|:1-4:|   Couple 4 makes an arch and dances CCW around the set (:1-4:), 16 walking steps.
|:5-12:|   (d) Polkka: Side couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 6 (a) Iso piiri (circle): All dancers form closed circle and dance CW (1-4), 16 slip-steps. Ditto CCW (1-4), 16 slip-steps.
|:5-12:|   (b) Polkka: All couples repeat (1 (b)).

See video from/with Jippo 2018.

Provenance: Documented by Asko Pulkkinen in 1912. It had been taught by Ville Peippo, of Uudenkirkon Vpl. in Halila, where it had been danced over 100 years. The tune, 'Wiipurin pojan polska', was recalled by O.A.J. Carlenius, from Viipuri. One of the combined dances at Nordlek 1994 in Linköping.

Source: Rausmaa, Esko Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 210-211.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 168-170.
-- documentation for combined dances at Nordlek 1994 in Linköping. [1993].
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-12-05, rev. 2023-09-17.

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