Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-2 | 1 | Vastuu (advance,retire): Head couples take side-cross hold position (thumb hold), advance 4 running steps and retire 4 running steps. |
3-4 | Paikanvaihto (pass-thru): Head couples change places, passing through the opposing couple, W passing on the inside. Turn 1/2 turn CCW to face into set again. | |
1-4 | Laukka takaisin: Head couples repeat to return to place. | |
|:5-8:| | Side couples repeat (1). | |
1-4 | 2 (a) | Paikanvaihto (cross over): Head couples take waltz hold, and dance with two stamps (begin with outside foot, ML/WR)
followed by 2 slip-steps to opposite place, M passing back-to-back (1).
Head couples return to place, M again passing back-to-back, 4 slip-steps (2). Head couples again advance to opposite side, and curve 1/2 turn CCW to face opposite couple (3-4). 8 slip-steps. |
1-2 | (b) | Karkelo: Head M dance uhtuankarkelo, and continue to original place. |
3-4 | Head M take waltz hold with opposite W, and turn CCW on the spot, 8 running steps. | |
5-6 | Head M again uhtuankarkelo to opposite place | |
7-8 | Head M take waltz hold with own partner and turn CCW on the spot, 8 running steps.
[Note: this was taught as a cross-arm spin, rather than a waltz hold.] |
5-8, 1-4 | Head W repeat (2 (b)). | |
1-4 | (c) | Laukka takisin: Head couples dance 8 slip-steps back to place (1-2), and turn CCW on the spot (3-4), 8 running steps. |
|:5-8:|,|:1-4:|,|:5-8:| | Side couples repeat (2 (a), (b), and (c). | |
1-4 | 3 (a) | Paikanvaihto (cross over): Head couples repeat (2 (a)). |
1-4 | (b) | Kädenanto (opposite M/W turn): Head M advance 4 walking steps (1), take L in L thumb-hold with opposite M, turning a half-turn CCW on the spot, 4 running steps (2).
Head M return to partner, 4 running steps (3), and turn CCW on the spot, waltz hold, 4 running steps (4). |
5-8 | Head W repeat (3 (b)). | |
5-8 | (c) | Laukka takaisin: Head couples repeat (2 c) to return to place. |
|:1-4:|,|:5-8:| | Side couples repeat (3 (a), (b) and (c)). | |
1-4 | 4 (a) | Paikanvaihto (cross over): Head couples repeat (2 (a)). |
1 | (b) | Vieraissa käynti (visit opposite): Couple 1, with waltz hold, dances 4 slip-steps to M3, while W3 dances to couple 1's place passing to R of couple 1. 4 slip-steps. |
2 | Couple 1 turns 1/2 turn CCW in front of couple 3, 4 running steps. | |
3 | Couple 1 returns to place, 4 running steps, while W3 passes through couple 1 to return to place. | |
4 | Both couples 1 and 3 turn CCW on the spot, waltz hold, 4 running steps. | |
5-8 | Couple 3 and W1 repeat (4 (b)). | |
5-8 | (c) | Laukka takaisin: Head couples repeat (2 (c)). |
|:1-4:|,|:5-8:| | Side couples repeat (4 (a), (b), and (c)). | |
1-4 | 5 (a) | Paikanvaihto (cross over): Head couples repeat (2 (a)). |
1 | (b) | Ripaska: Couple 1, with waltz hold, dances 4 slip-steps to in front of couple 3. |
2-4 | Couple 1, with waltz hold, turns CCW on the spot, 12 running steps. W1 then joins couple 3 on M3's L side. M3 hold both W around the waist, and W1 and W3 have 'inside' arms on M3's shoulder. Both W hold skirt with free hand. | |
5-8 | M1 dances backwards to own place with ripaska steps (dancers have choice of steps with which to show off). Couple 3 with W1 follow him, with small running steps. | |
5-8 | Couples 1 and 3 form closed circle, and dance 16 running steps circling CW, ending with M1 clapping his hands. | |
1-4 | Couples 1 and 3, still in closed circle, dance 16 running steps circling CCW, beginning with a stamp. | |
1-4 | Couples 1 and 3, still in closed circle, again dance 16 running steps circling CW, with both couples returning to original places. | |
5-8 | Couples 1 and 3 advance to opposite place, holding inside hands, passing through opposite couple with W passing on the inside (5-6).
Both couples turn CCW on the spot in 2-hand hold, 8 running steps (7-8). |
5-8,|:1-4:|,|:5-8:|,1-4 | Couples 1 and 3 repeat (4 (b)), with couple 3 beginning the slip-steps. | |
1-4 | (c) | Laukka takaisin: Head couples repeat (2 (c)). |
|:5-8:|,6x(|:1-4:|,|:5-8:|) | Side couples repeat (5 (a), (b) and (c)). | |
1-4 | 6 (a) | Paikanvaihto (cross over): Head couples repeat (2 (a)). |
1-4 | (b) | Kiittäminen: M1 and M3 advance to opposite W, passing on the R, 4 running steps (1).
Take cross-hand hold with opposite W and turn CCW, 4 running steps (2).
Repeat (b) to return to partner (3-4). |
5-8 | Head W repeat (6 (b)). | |
5-8 | (c) | Laukka takaisin: Head couples repeat (2 (c)). |
|:1-4:|,|:5-8:| | Side couples repeat (6 (a), (b) and (c)). |
See videos from/with Myötätuuli oy 2011; Vinteliska 2012; Vinteliska 2012 (at 5:55); Vinteliska 2012; Helsingin Pitäjän Tanhuujat ja Spelarit 2014; Helsingin Pitäjän Tanhuujat ja Spelarit 2014; Helsingin Pitäjän Tanhuujat ja Spelarit 2016; GraniFolk 2016; Supikas 2017.
Provenance: Part of the program of the Karjalan Liito (Karelian Union) in 1958. The dance was recorded by Simo Härkönen based on information received from Kosti Pamilo. Taught by Turun Kansantanssin Ystävät ry in Vancouver, April 1984, and by Antti Savilampi in Toronto and Vancouver in 2006.
Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp.239-241.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 174-177.
-- Rausmaa, Esko/ Katrillia tanssimaan!. Kaustinen: Kansanmusiikin keskusliitto, 2000. pp. 41-44.
-- Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto Tanhuohjelma 1982 p.3
-- Heikkilä, Sari (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävä r.y., 1988. pp. 16-18.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-03-17, rev. 2023-09-19.
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