Kaustisen katrilli

Country: Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: 6 couples in closed circle, hands at shoulder height.
Steps: liukupolska (buzz step), kantavarvashyppely (heel-toe), laukka (slip-step), hyppyaskel (step-hop), kävelyä (walk)
Sheet music:
Recordings: Kaustisen Hääpelimannit [YouTube];

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| 1 (a) 14 slip-steps to L (CW), clap on last 2 beats of last bar.
9-16   Two-hand hold with partner. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in closed circle.
|:1-8:|   (b) 14 slip-steps to R (CCW), clap on last 2 beats of last bar.
9-16   Two-hand hold with partner. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in closed circle.
1-8 2 (a) MR/WL hands raised, others lowered. Dance 4 heel-toe steps with MR/WL foot and turned to partner, hopping on opposite.
1-8   ML/WR hands raised, others lowered. Dance 3 heel-toe steps with ML/WR foot and turned to corner, hopping on opposite. 2 claps on last 2 beats.
9-16   Two-hand hold with corner. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in closed circle.
1-8   (b) ML/WR hands raised, others lowered. Dance 4 heel-toe steps with ML/WR foot and turned to corner, hopping on opposite.
1-8   MR/WL hands raised, others lowered. Dance 3 heel-toe steps with MR/WL foot and turned to partner, hopping on opposite. 2 claps on last 2 beats.
9-16   Two-hand hold with partner. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in square, 3 persons per side, holding hands in lines:
                      line 1
                     M6  W1  M1
                  W6           W2
          line 3  M5           M2  line 4
                  W5           W3
                     M4  W4  M3
                      line 2
1-4 3 (a) Head lines (1-2) advance with 4 step-hops.
5-8   Head lines (1-2) retire with 4 step-hops, while side lines (3-4) advance with 4 step-hops.
1-4   Head lines again advance, while side lines retire.
5-8   Head lines retire, while side lines advance. 2 claps on last 2 beats.
9-16   Head lines form small circles, while side lines form one large circle in the centre. All circle with 8 walking steps.
|:1-8:|   (b) M3 and M4 take waist hold with R hand, hold L hand high, and dance 14 buzz-steps CW on the spot in the centre.
Meanwhile, W in lines 3 - 4 form circle around the 2 men, and dance slip-steps CCW around them.
Head lines (1-2) separately dance slip-steps CW around outside of the circle of women.
All clap twice on the last 2 beats. Finish in original lines.
9-16   Each line forms small closed circle. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in original lines.
|:1-8:| 9-16 4 (a) Side lines and head lines repeat 3 (a). Side lines begin by advancing with 4 step-hops.
|:1-8:|   (b) M1 and M2 take waist hold with R hand, hold L hand high, and dance 14 buzz-steps CW on the spot in the centre.
Meanwhile, W in lines 1 - 2 form circle around the 2 men, and dance slip-steps CCW around them.
Side lines (3-4) separately dance slip-steps CW around outside of the circle of women.
All clap twice on the last 2 beats. Finish in original lines.
9-16   Each line forms small closed circle. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in original lines.
|:1-8:| 5 (a) Head lines advance with 4 step-hops. M1, M3, M4 and M6 form R-hand star, and dance 12 step-hops CW on the spot, while W1 and W4 retire to place.
M1, M3, M4 and M6 retire to place with 2 step-hops.
All clap twice on last 2 beats.
9-16   Each line forms small closed circle. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in original lines.
|:1-8:|   (b) Side lines advance with 4 step-hops. W2, W3, W5 and W6 form L-hand star, and dance 12 step-hops CCW on the spot, while M2 and M5 retire to place.
W2, W3, W5 and W6 retire to place with 2 step-hops.
All clap twice on last 2 beats.
9-16   Each line forms small closed circle. 8 walking steps CW on the spot. Finish in original lines.
1-4 6 (a) M1, M3, M4 and M6 turn towards partner and face out of set, and dance out behind side lines, M1 and M3 behind line 4, and M4 and M6 behind line 3. 4 step-hops.
5-8   W2, W3, W5 and W6 turn towards partner and face out of set, and dance out behind side lines, forming closed circles with M1 and M3 behind line 4, and M4 and M6 behind line 3. 4 step-hops.
Meanwhile W1, M2, W4 and M5 form a closed circle in the centre
1-8   Circles dance 6 slip-steps CW on the spot. Finish with 2 claps on the last two beats.
9-16   Circles dance 8 walking steps CCW, and finish with W2, W3, W5 and W6 with backs to centre circle.
1-8   (b) W2 and W3, and W5 and W6 respectively make arches. M1 and M3, and M4 and M6 pass under the arches, and return to place.
Meanwhile W2, W3, W5 and W6 turn and return to place. 8 step-hops.
1-8   All form large closed circle. 8 buzz-steps CW. Finish with 2 claps on last two beats.
Meanwhile W2, W3, W5 and W6 turn and return to place. 8 step-hops.
9-16   All dance 8 walking steps CCW.
1-8 7 (a) All dance 8 slip-steps CW.
1-8   All continue dancing slip-steps CW, while forming two lines of 3 couples in each line, one line behind the other, facing forwards.
Finish with 2 claps on the last 2 beats..
9-16   Holding inside hands with partner, W turn 3 walking steps CCW towards partner's R side, and turn 3 walking steps CW to finish beside partner.

See videos from/with JPP - Kaustinen Katrilli or Night Quadrille (pt 1) at Helsinki Day, 2009, JPP - Kaustinen Katrilli or Night Quadrille (pt 2) at Helsinki Day, 2009, Arto Järvelä & Paul Tyler - simplified version at Old Town School, 2009,
Provenance: a contemporary choreography, probably from the 1970s.

Source: as taught by Martti Vanhapellto, in Vancouver, February 1985
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1985-02.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-06-04, rev. 2023-02-10.

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