Kikapoo aka Cicapo

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance and/or mixer
Formation: couples in open circle, varsovienne hold, facing LOD.
Steps: kävely (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Askolin, Erica/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: nuotisto. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. p.21.
(2) Oscheit, Max opus 172 'Picador-Marsch' Musescore,
(3) Oscheit, Max Picador-Marsch op. 172. 1912.
(4) von Tilzer, Harry My pretty little Kickapoo
(5) documentation prepared for Nordlek 2012 historic ball in Steinkjer, Norway
(6) Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver [gif]
Recordings: Gellin & Borgstrøms Nyheds Kvintet (His Master's Voice (A.L. 1218)) [Internet Archive]; Helsingin Varuskuntasoittokunta Juhlatanssit (Odeon – 777-7 99746 2) track 04; Klapp 'Kikkapuu' Hopp! (2009 Kristjan Priks) [YouTube]; Pelimannikilta Juhla- ja salonkitansseja track 14; Stella Orchestra [Kikapoo]; unattributed [YouTube]; unattributed [].

Bars Part Dance progression
1-2 (a) Promenade: Starting with L foot, couples dance 4 brisk walking steps in LOD.
3   Both touch L heel to floor diagonally forward and to L (3:1). Close L to R.
[In some versions, W takes a step to the L, M to the R (3:3).]
4   Both touch R toes to floor diagonally back and to R (4:1). Close R to L (4:3).
[In some versions, both touch R heel to floor diagonally forward and to the R.]
5-8   Repeat (a).
9-10 (b) Indiv. turn [& progression]: M claps his hands and starting with L foot dances 4 walking steps toward center of the circle, curving to L [CCW]. Meanwhile, W claps her hands and starting with R foot dances 4 walking steps out of circle, curving to R [CW].
11-12   Return or progress: Both with a clap, M continues to turn one-half turn CCW, W 1/2-turn CW, and dance 4 walking steps back to partner, taking R-in-R hand. 4 walking steps.
Progression alternative 1: both turn L and return 4 walking steps to new partner. W moves CCW to M in front.
Progression alternative 2: W turns R and dances 4 walking steps to new partner CW, to pair with M behind her [sic].
[Both TKY and Vanhapelto taught this as W moving CW and forward to new partner forward in LOD, while M continues to W behind, ie in RLOD.]
13-16   W turn: Holding R-in-R hand with original or new partner, W turns CW under joined arms for 8 walking steps, while M walks forward with small steps beside her.
Repeat from (a) as desired.

See videos from/with Vanhojen tanssit 2020; Helsingin kasvatus ja koulutus 2017; Vuosaaren lukion Vanhat tanssit 2017; Seto Folk 2009 and of a different version 'Kickapoo' Tromsö Norsk-svensk festkväll with Gällmalaget 1984 (at 2:52),

Provenance: Composer of the Picador march was the German Max Oscheit (1880-1923). The choreography of the dance is thought to come from the popular Russian-American ballroom dance "Ki-ka-po", which was originally danced to the tune of Harry Von Tilzer's My pretty little Kickapoo. Variations also occur in Estonia as 'kikkapuu' eg. in Seto area and on Muhu. Taught by Turun Kansantanssin Ystävät ry (TKY) in Vancouver, October 1983, and by Martti Vanhapelto, Vancouver 1988-03-25 to 26.

Source: Mäkelä, Sinikka, Erja Askolin & Matti Lankinen et al/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: koti- ja ulkomaisia seratansseja sekä juhla- ja salonkitansseja. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. pp.37-38.
See also:
-- Komulainen, Orvokki/ Vanhoja tansseja polkasta poloneesiin: selostukset ja sävelmistö. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Oy, 1981. p.16.
-- documentation prepared for Nordlek 2012 historic ball in Steinkjer, Norway
-- kikapo
-- Wikipedia Cicapo [see Finnish and Estonian articles]
-- Tanhukurssi Minnesota '93 [syllabus], p.48
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2012-03-16 rev. 2023-09-27.

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