
Country: Prääsä, Karelia, formerly Finland now Russia
Type: set dance
Formation: square set of 4, 6 or 8 couples, holding inside hands. Head couples face or have backs to music; side couples stand respectively to R of head couples.
Steps: puolijuoksu (walk-run), polkua (stamp)
Sheet music:
(1) Kiperä [A] (John Chambers abc collection )
(2) material prepared for FinnFest USA 2013
(3) translation provided by J.W. Suomela for FinnFest USA 2013
Recordings: FinnFest 2013 CD

Bars Part Dance progression
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Advance & retire: All couples advance 4 walking steps (1-2) with a stamp on (2:2). All couples retire ditto, with a stamp on (4:2).
Repeat (1 a).
|:5-8:|   (b) Swing: All couples take skewed waltz hold with R sides together and turn one full turn CW on the spot (both M and W moving forwards), 4 walking steps (5-6). Turn W CW under joined ML/WR hands, 4 walking steps (7-8).
Couples, with skewed waltz hold, R sides together, turn one full turn CCW on the spot, both M and W moving backwards, 4 walking steps (5-6).
W turns CW under joined ML/WR hands (7-8), to return to place, 4 walking steps.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Arches: Side couples form arches. Head W, holding inside hands with partner, goes through arch formed by side couple to the L, proceedes CW around side M, returns through the arch, as head M grasps side W's R hand in his L, proceeds CCW around side W, pulling side W as well under the arch, to form a circle with side couple (1-4). 8 walking steps.
Circle to the R (CCW) on side couple's spot 2 full turns (1-4). 8 walking steps.
Note: if there is more than one couple on the side, the arch is formed between centre couples, rather than by the couple. Small circles have time to circle only one turn.
|:5-8:|   (b) Circle: Head W drops hold with side M, and the two circles join to form one large circle. Circle dances CCW, two full turns, 16 walking steps.
Note: if more than 4 couples, large circle moves one full turn.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Advance & retire: All couples repeat (1 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Swing: All couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 4 (a) Arches: Side couples repeat (2 a), head couples form arches, and side W leads through arch formed by head couple to her L.
|:5-8:|   (b) Circle: Side couples repeat (2 b). This time, side W drops hold with head M to form large circle.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) Advance & retire: All couples repeat (1 (a)).
|:5-8:|   (b) Swing: All couples repeat (1 (b)).

See also YouTube videos from/with FinnFest 2013 (at 5:38), Seurasaaren Kansantanssijat 2015 (at 4:00), Nuorisoseura Motora 2020.

Source: translation provided by J.W. Suomela for FinnFest USA 2013
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-01-04, rev. 2023-10-03.

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