Koiviston polska

Country: Koivisto, south Karelia, Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: closed circle of 6 couples
Steps: heel step (turning to R, hop on R foot, with L heel to floor in front (1:1), turn with hop to face L, with R heel to floor in front (2:1)), varvashyppely (kick-step), hyppy (step-hop)
Sheet music:
(1) Väisänen, Yrjö/ nr 97 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia - sävelmistö. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, [1962]. p.49.
(2) Collan, Anni/ nr 1 in: Suomalainen kisapirtti - nuotit. 4 painos. Helsinki: V. Söderström, 1946.
(3) 'for Kansantanssin Riemuvuoden 2016' Koiviston polska
(4) Folk Tune Finder Koiviston polska
[Note similarities to polska efter Lasse i Svarven aka Barockpolskan and Blinde-Hans' polska.]
Recordings: Aho, Tauno [YouTube]; Baron Paakkunainen & Kareleia Group The sound of birchbank flute (1981) [YouTube]; Haapa-Aho, Unto (Suomen Nuorison Liitto) track A7; Ilmavoimien Soittokunta & Eero Koivistoinen Kajo [YouTube]; Kansantanhuyhtye Suomalaisia tanhuja track A1 [YouTube]; Karvinen, Antti Suomalaisia kansantanhuja 1 track A1; Lauluyhtye Ämmät äänessä ry Kujalla [YouTube]; Niekku Folk Music from Finland (Olarin Musiikki Oy, 2013) [YouTube]; Nuorisoseurat 'for Kansantanssin Riemuvuoden 2016' [mp3]; Orivesi All Stars Kaikenmoisia tansseja cd 2 track 20; Oulaisten puhallinorkesteri (2007) [YouTube]; Pelimannikvartetti Sinun kanssas (Finnlevy 1975) [YouTube]; Porvoolainen Lauluyhtye Flamingo (2018) [YouTube]; Saana Ensemble (2014) [YouTube]; Suomen nuorison liitto track A7; Tanhumusiikkia track A1; Tanhupelimannit track 07; Turun kaupunginorkesteri (2017) [YouTube]; De Nordiske Spillemænd De Nordiske Spillemænd (1974) track B7.
[Note: recording labelled 'Koiviston polska' by Anderson & Matti Söderlund [sic] ca 1918 is a schottis/jenkka with a totally different melody. It is also available at National Library of Finland as well as on the Internet Archive site.]

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Circle: Beginning with L foot, dance 12 step-hops moving CW. Ditto moving CCW.
Finish in open sets of 2 couples, facing into set, fists on hips.
5-12   (b) Heel steps,kick steps,circle: All dance 4 heel steps (5-8) beginning with L foot forward. All dance 6 kick-steps (9-10). All clap on 1st beat and take closed circle hold in 2 couple set, dancing 6 step-hops moving CW (11-12).
5-12   Repeat (b), but moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Circle: Repeat (1 (a)).
Finish in open circle. W in centre facing out with fists on hips, M in outside circle facing CW, arms crossed on chest.
5-8   (b) Kick steps, admonish: All W dance 12 kick steps. Meanwhile all M dance CW around outside circle of W, 12 step-hops, back to partner.
9-12   Facing partner, all dance 2 heel-steps (L and R) while shaking finger admonishingly at partner (9-10), free hand on hip. With clap on 1st beat, take 2-hand hold with partner, dance 6 step-hops turning i1-1/2 turns on the spot (11-12).
5-8   All M dance 12 kick steps. Meanwhile all W dance CCW around outside circle of M, 12 step-hops, back to partner.
9-12   Facing partner, all dance 2 heel-steps (L and R) while shaking finger admonishingly at partner (9-10). With clap on 1st beat, take 2-hand hold with partner, dance 6 step-hops turning i1-1/2 turns on the spot (11-12).
1-4 3 (a) Circle: Repeat (1 (a)), moving CW only.
1-4   All turn to face CCW, drop circle hold, and beginning with couple 1, dance with 12 step-hops into 2 straight lines, one of M and one of W, all facing front, with M line behind W line and W with backs to M line. M with arms crossed on chest, W with fists on hips.
5-10   (b) M peek-a-boo: All W stand still. Meanwhile, all M dance forward to partner with 6 step-hops (5-6), place hands on partner's shoulder, peer over her L shoulder (7), then her R shoulder (8), while she turns her head away. M retire with step-hops (9-10).
11-12   W turn 1/2 turn CW (over R shoulder) to face partner with a jump onto L foot. All dance 6 kick-steps, beginning hopping onto R foot and kicking L foot forward.
5-12   (c) Couple turn: All W turn CCW to face front. M repeat (3 (b)) bars (5-8). Couples then take 2-hand hold with partner and dance 6 step-hops turning CW (9-10) followed by 6 step-hops CCW on the spot (11-12).
1-4 4 (a) Circle: Repeat (3 (a)), moving CW only.
1-4   All turn to face CCW, drop circle hold, and as in (3 (a)) beginning with couple 1, but this time couples cross over, so that after 12 step-hops they are to 2 straight lines, all facing front, with W line behind M line and M with backs to W line.
5-12   (b) W peek-a-boo: Repeat (3 (b)), but now all M stand still, while W advance, peer over M's shoulders, and retire.
5-12   (c) Couple turn: Repeat (3 (c)), but now M turn CCW to face front. W repeat (3 (b)) bars (5-8). Couples then take 2-hand hold with partner and dance 6 step-hops turning CW (9-10) followed by 6 step-hops CCW on the spot (11-12).

See YouTube videos Oriveden Kansantanssikurssi 2014, Kansantanssin Riemuvuosi 2015 for Pispalan Sottiisi 2016, GraniFolk 2016, Helsingin Pitäjän Tanhuujat ja Spelarit 2016

Provenance: Likely a choreography, from the 1930-1940s; choreographer unknown at time of writing. Taught by Susanna Daley at Stockton Folk Dance Camp and at Northwest Folk Dance Festival, Enumclaw, WA, in July and August of 1976. Taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Vancouver, 1987-07-02.
Source: Väisänen, Yrjö/ nr 97 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia. Porvo/Helsinki: Werner Söderström Oy, 1962. pp. 114-116.
See also:
-- Collan, Anni/ nr 1 in: Suomalainen kisapirtti. 4 painos. Helsinki: V. Söderström, 1946. pp. 17-20.
-- Nuorisoseurat Koiviston polska
-- Nuorisoseurat, choreographed by Petri Kauppinen for Kansantanssin Riemuvuoden 2016 Koiviston polska.
-- Daley, Susanna 'Koiviston polska' in: Stockton Folk Dance Camp/ Syllabus of dance descriptions 1976. Stockton, CA: Stockton Folk Dance Camp, 1976. pp. 121-122, & Errata p. 10.
-- Society of Folk Dance Historians (SFDH) Koiviston polska
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-02-19, rev. 2023-10-28.

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