Country: Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle, W-hold at about shoulder height
jalan heilautukset (step-swing),
vaihtoaskelikko (change-step),
valssi (waltz)
Sheet music:
(1) Musescore Zachary Koskinen's waltz #1;
(2) Musescore Zachary Koskinen's waltz #2;
(3) FolkWiki Koskisen Sakarin valssi;
Aitomäen Pelimannit Traditional track 03 (1978) [YouTube];
Esse Spelmanslag (1978, Finnlevy) [YouTube];
Finn Hall Reflections track 16;
Finn-kanteleet (1977, Finnlevy) Otti soiton sormillensa [YouTube];
Firapelipelimannit Firapelipelimannit 2 (1974) [YouTube];
Ikaalisten harmonikkamiehet ja viulupelimannit (1973) [YouTube];
Ikaalisten harmonikkamiehet ja viulupelimannit Ikaalisten suvisoitto track 07 (1973, Discophon) [YouTube];
Pelimannikilta Juhla- ja salonkitansseja track 07;
Teletapit [YouTube];
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | 1 (a) | Circle: All circle CW with 8 change-steps. |
9-16 | Drop closed circle, take R-hand in R hold with partner. M have free fist on hip, W holds skirt. Circle CW on the spot, 8 change-steps. | |
1-8 | (b) | All form closed circle, and dance CCW, 8 change-steps. |
9-16 | Drop closed circle, take L-hand in L hold with partner. Circle CCW on the spot, 8 change-steps. | |
17-18 | 2 (a) | Advance, retire, W change: All advance and retire with 2 change-steps. |
19-20 | M guides partner in arc in front of himself from his R side to his L side, finishing in closed circle, M and W facing into circle. 2 change-steps, M dancing on spot and W turning CCW and moving CW from M to M. | |
21-32 | Repeat (2 (a)) three times. | |
17-32 | (b) | Repeat (2 (a)), this time moving W from Ms L side to R side. Ie, W move CCW in the circle, back to original partner.
Finish in closed circle. |
33-48 | 3 | Arm swing: All stand in place swinging arms forwards/upwards and down in time to the music (1 swing per bar, with 'svikt' (dip-lift)). Note swings are highest on bars 35 and 38. On bar 47 pause with arms forward at shoulder height. |
1-4 | 4 (a) | Advance, retire, clap: Maintaining handhold, all advance with 4 change-steps. |
5-6 | All clap hands in time to music. | |
7-8 | All clap hands on first beat of each bar only. | |
9-12 | In closed circle, all retire with 4 change-steps. | |
13-16 | Holding inside hands (MR/WL) with partner, all turn under joined hands, W turning over L shoulder, M over R shoulder. 4 change-steps. | |
1-2 | (b) | Holding inside hands (MR/WL), and turned to partner, all dance 2 step-swings, beginning stepping on ML/WR foot. |
3-4 | All turn individually, M over L shoulder, W over R shoulder, and moving towards centre of circle. | |
5-8 | Repeat (4 (b)). | |
9-16 | Repeat (4 (b)), but moving out of circle, holding ML/WR, and opposite footwork. | |
17-32 | 5 (a) | Advance, retire, W change: Repeat (2 (a)).
[From here on, this is speculative, as the video ends part way through (5 (a)).] |
17-32 | (b) | Repeat (2 (b)). |
33-48 | 6 | Waltz: All take waltz hold with partner and dance turning waltz in LOD. 16 waltz steps.
[Runeberg version repeats part 3 (arm swings) instead.] |
See videos from/with Folkdansarna Finlandia Order of Runeberg 2013; Teuvan Nuorisoseuran kansantanssijat 2017.
Provenance: apparently a choreography from the 1980s, 1990s or early 2000s. Choreographer unknown at time of writing.
Source: Teuvan Nuorisoseuran kansantanssijat video.
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville ON, 2019-02-06, rev. 2023-10-26.
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