La chaconne

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: couples in open circle, holding inside hands, facing in LOD.
Steps: fotombytessteg/vaihtoaskel (change step), gångsteg/kävely (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. p.6.
(2) Askolin, Erica/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: nuotisto. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. p.25.
(3) Gavrilovski La chaconne 1897.
Recordings: Herrgårdskvartett Herrskapsdanser nr 1 track 09; Pelimannikilta Juhla- ja salonkitansseja track 18; Varuskunnan kavaljeerit Juhlatansseja 1 track 03 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1 (a) Pas demi-coupé: With weight on inside (MR/WL) foot, couples 'sweep' outside (ML/WR) foot forward with straight leg and bending somewhat towards outside leg [ie away from partner]. Followed by 2 walking steps (outside then inside).
2   Repeat with opposite footwork.
3   Chassé & pas marché: Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot and tuned slightly away from partner, couples dance 1 smooth change step (inside-outside-inside foot) forward in LOD, followed by 2 walking steps (outside-inside).
4   Repeat with opposite footwork.
5-8   Repeat (a).
Finish facing partner, M facing out of circle, W facing in.
9 (b) Ballancé de menuet: Holding R-in-R hand, with hands lifted high to form an arch, couples step forward with R foot, lifting L foot from floor, and gazing at partner under the arch (9:1).
Step back onto L foot (9:3), with a slight bow to partner.
10   Demi tour, chassé & par marché: Couples turn CW 1/2 turn to change places, 1 change-step followed by 2 walking steps.
11-12   Repeat (b), holding L-in-L, turning CCW, and with opposite footwork, to return to place.
13-16   Repeat (b).
[Repeat from (a) as desired.]

See YouTube video from/with Kuusankosken lukio vanhojen tanssit 2018.

Provenance: Apparently unrelated to the Baroque dance of the 1600-1700s, of the same name, described in Feuillet notation in the 1704 Recueil de dances contenant un tres grand nombres, des meilleurs entrées de ballet de Mr Pécour, ... [pp.10-19, 176-194]. Appears as a 'new' couple dance in Russia in 1897.

Source: 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. p.6.
See also:
-- Mäkelä, Sinikka, Erja Askolin & Matti Lankinen et al/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: koti- ja ulkomaisia seratansseja sekä juhla- ja salonkitansseja. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. p.41.
-- Melkko, Une/ Seuratansseja. Koti- ja ulkomaisia tansseja sekä vanhat tanssit. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Oskeyhtiö., 1960.
-- Tanhukurssi Minnesota '93: pp. 77-78.
-- Николай Людвигович Гавликовский, П. Константинов [Nikolai Lyudvigovich Gavlikovsky, P. Konstantinov]. (1897). La Chaconne. Новый салонный танец "Шакон" [New Salon Dance "Chaconne"]. Санкт-Петербург: Музыкальный магазин "Северная Лира." (pdf)
-- Tansipalvelin: salonkitanssit [3 variations]
-- Astier, Régine / "Chacone pour une femme: chaconne de Phaéton: a performance study" Dance research: the journal of the Society for Dance Research Vol. 15, No. 2, Papers from the Dance to Honour Kings Conference (Winter, 1997), pp. 150-169. (,
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-06-13, rev. 2023-02-25.

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