Lanssi, Raja-Karjala

Country: Raja-Karjala, Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: quadrille of 4 couples. Head couples face or have back to music, side couples stand to L of respective head couples. Free hands hang at sides, joined hands are held down. Couples hold inside hands.
Steps: matalia juoksuaskeleitä ('low' run, 'soft' knees, ie slightly bent)
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.57.;
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.50.;
(3) Lanssi (G/e)
(4) Musescore Lanssi (F/d)
(5) Finnaffair '81 tanhujen yhteisohjelma
Recordings: Etelä-Hämeen Pelimanniyhtye Jämtpolska/Vironpolkka/Lanssi (SNL 2) track B2; Jorma Panula et al Tanhupelimannit, (SNL) track B2; Tanhupelimannit Tanhupelimannit track 09.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 1 (a) Vastuu (advance, retire, swing): Head couples, holding inside hands, advance 4 running steps, and retire 4 running steps.
5-8   Head couples take waltz hold, and turn on the spot CW (ie W backwards), 8 running steps,
9-16   and CCW on the spot, with a stamp on (9:1), 16 running steps.
On the last 3 beats, W turns under the joined ML/WR hands and advances to corner.
1-8   (b) With corner, all take waltz hold and dance turning CW on the spot, 16 running steps,
9-16   and turning CCW on the spot, 16 running steps.
|:1-16:|   Side couples repeat (1 (a) and (b)).
1-8 2 (a) Karkelo (feint & swing): Head M, with arms crossed on chest, dance 8 small running steps towards each other passing L shoulder (1-4), 4 small running steps backwards away from each other (5-6), and 4 long running steps towards opposite W, passing R shoulders (7-8).
9-12   M takes waltz hold with opposite W, and the couple turns CCW on the spot, 8 running steps.
13-16   (b) Head couples drop hold and dance 8 running steps to opposite place, passing R shoulders through the oncoming couple, W passing on the inside. Finish in courtesy hold.
1-4   Head couples turn CCW on the spot 1-1/2 turns, 8 running steps. On the last beats, W turns CW under ML arm.
5-8   (c) Head W dance 8 running steps back to place.
9-16   Head couples take waltz hold with partner and dance 8 running steps turning CW on the spot, followed by 8 running steps turning CCW on the spot.
|:1-16:|   Side couples repeat (2 (a), (b), and (c)).
1-16 3 (a) Ristai: Head couples repeat (1 (a).
1-4   (b) Head couples advance to centre, 4 steps, passing through opposite couple, W passing on the inside. M stopping in centre of the set.
5-8   Head M turn L and curve into position in front of respective side couple, and continue into the centre, meeting opposite M (5-7), 6 steps, finishing with with 2 stamps, on (8:1) and (8:3).
Meanwhile Head W continue to opposite place, curving L (5-6), 4 steps, and turn CCW on the spot (7-8) 4 steps.
9-12  (c) Head M continue across the set, changing places with 4 steps (9-10), and turn 1/4 turn to the R and continue to original place with 4 steps (11-12). Meanwhile Head W return across the set to original place, 8 steps..
13-16   At original place, head couples take waltz hold with partner, and turn CCW on the spot, 8 steps.
|:1-16:|   Side couples repeat (3 (a), (b) and (c)).
1-12 4 (a) Paripiiri ja tytöjen juoksu (couple swing & chase): In courtesy position, all couples dance CCW around the set and back to original place, 24 running steps CCW.
13-16   All couples turn CCW on the spot (M backwards, W forwards), 8 steps. . On the last 2 steps W turns under joined L arms, as M turns 1/2 turn to face CW around the set, in courtesy hold.
1-12   (b) Maintaining courtesy hold, all couples turn CW on the spot, 24 steps.
13-16   All couples turn CCW on the spot, 8 steps. . On the last 2 steps W turns under joined L arms, as M turns 1/2 turn to face CW around the set, in courtesy hold.
1-4   (c) Tyttöjen paikanvaihto (W change & swing): Head W change places, 8 steps.
5-8   Head W take waltz hold with opposite M, turn CCW on the spot, 8 steps, turning under joined arms on the last bar.
9-12   Head W return to own partner, 8 steps.
13-16   Head W turn CCW on the spot with own partner, 8 steps, turning under joined arms on the last bar.
1-16   Side couples repeat (4 (a), (b), and (c)).
1-16   Loppupiiri (couple swing): In waltz hold with partner, all couples turn 16 steps CW and 16 steps CCW.

See videos with 4 couples Sibbo Folkdansare, 1994 (at 28:21); Motoran Kapsakat 2008; Kirjavat et al 2010; Vinteliska 2015; unattributed 2015; Kimara 2017, and with 2 couples Helsingin Pitäjän Tanhuujat ja Spelarit, 2016.

Provenance: Version in Tanhuvakka based on dance description published in Ollikainen's Karjalaisia leikkejä ja kansantanhuja in 1947. Dance name derived from 'Les Lanciers'. Taught by Motora in Vancouver, 1978-10-26.

Printed source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 242-243.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 192-194.
-- Ollikainen, Meri/ Karjalaisia leikkejä ja kansantanhuja (Suomen Naisten Liikuntakasvatusliitto, 29) Porvoo: WSOY, 1947.
-- Finnaffair '81 tanhujen yhteisohjelma
-- Suomen tanssipalvelin Lanssi
-- Daley, Susanna 'Lanssi' in: Stockton Folk Dance Camp/ Syllabus of dance descriptions 1977. Stockton, CA: Stockton Folk Dance Camp, 1977. pp. 33-34 & Errata p.3.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1978-10.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-11-20, rev. 2023-11-09.

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