Laukaalainen, Viitasaari

Country: Viitasaari, Keski-Suomi, (central) Finland
Type: set dance/mixer
Formation: Can be danced as (1) 4 couple quadrille, or (b) any number of couples in open circle. All face partner, fists on hips. [Tanhuvakka 1977 had all facing centre of circle.]
Steps: polkkaa
Sheet music: Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.52.
Recordings: Katrillaten 2, track 10.

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| (a) Polkkaan paikallaan (figuré): Turn to face corner. All start with L foot [forward] and dance 4 polkka steps on the spot (1-4). Turn 1/2 turn CCW to face partner, and dance 4 polkka steps on the spot (1-4).
|:5-8:| (b) Paripyörintä (couple turn & progress): All take 2-hand hold with partner and turn CW on the spot (5-8), 4 polkka steps, followed by 4 polkka steps turning CCW (5-8). Finish with W on M's L side [ie to R of new partner].
    Repeat from (a) as desired [with new partner and new corner=previous partner].
Note: M move CCW [in LOD] around the set from previous partner to new partner, W stay in place.
Repeats 4 times if danced as a quadrille, otherwise any number of times.

Provenance: Asko Pulkinen, 1909. Tune adapted by Juho Kinnunen from Viitasaari, who taught it at SKY in 1909. Taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Vancouver, 1985-11 and 1987-02.

Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 135-136.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. p. 127.
Original description in Swedish: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1987-02.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-09-19, rev. 2023-11-09.

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