
Country: Uurainen aka Urais, Keski-Suomi, (central) Finland
Type: mixer
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, holding inside hands, facing into circle. Couples are numbered sequentially CW around the circle, eg couple 1 to couple 6 [this description for 6 couples, but can be more].
Steps: kävelyä (walk)
Sheet music: (1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.66.; (2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.56.;
Recordings: Katrillaten 2 (SKY-02) track 13.

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| (a) Piiri (2 couple circle):Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle, and dance 16 walking steps [twice round] CW.
|:5-8:| (b) Paripjörintä (couple turn): M1 and M2 switch partners, and with two-hand hold with new partner, dance 8 walking steps [once round] CW. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
|:1-4:|   M2 and W1 repeat (a) with couple 3, while M1 and W2 dance same with couple 6.
|:5-8:|   All active couples change partners with those they danced part (a) with, and repeat part (b)
    Repeat from (a) as desired, until all couple are dancing. With each repeat 2 new couples around the circle join the active couples.
Note: M stay in their original places throughout. W move around the circle as they move from new partner to new partner in part (b).

Provenance: The dance was described by Ida Jokinen, from a village in Uurainen. It disappeared in the 1870s. The music is from K.W. Haneli in the 1870s, as played by Otto Heimonen from Viitasaari.

Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.136.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka. Porvoo: W Söderström, 1977 p.127.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-09-22, rev. 2023-03-07.

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