Country: Österbotten/Ostrobothnia, Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: 3 rows of 3 persons each, either all M, all W, or a mix of both genders. Rows I and II face each other. Row III stands behind row II, also facing row I. music Row/Column A B C facing III 7 8 9 ↓ II 4 5 6 ↓ I 1 2 3 ↑ front Steps: liukupolska/polska steg 1 (buzz steps), reverse buzz steps, sparksteg frå nio man engel (kick steps from nio man engel), kävelyä/gångsteg (walk) Sheet music: Andersson, Otto & Greta Dahlström/ Folkdans: A2. yngre dansmelodier. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 466; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Åbo: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1975. pp.496-499. [While this source does not contain sheet music for the dance specifically from Korsnäs, there are other tunes eg nrs 1440-1443 with the same structure from neighbouring areas, such as Malax and Replot.] Recordings: |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-8 | 1 (a) | Steg med fotsvängning (kick-steps): Rows II and I dance 8 kick-steps. On beat (8:3), row II turns (over R shoulder) to face row III. |
1-8 | Rows II and III dance 8 kick-steps. | |
9-16 | (b) | Slingring i åttor (R-shoulder reels of 3 (vertical)): rows II and III begin reels of 3 [along the columns]. Persons in rows II and III pass R shoulders, alomst passing back-to-back, while persons in row I move to their R to join the reel. Passing in the reels is done back to back, 4 walking steps per pass. |
9-16 | Rows II, III and I repeat reels of 3. | |
|:1-8:| | (c) | Steg med fotsvängning (kick-steps): columns B and A dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Columns B and C dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (d) | Slingring i åttor (R-shoulder reels of 3 (horizontal)): columns B and C begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with column A, repeating (1 (b)). |
|:1-8:| | (e) | Steg med fotsvängning (kick-steps): rows II and III dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Rows II and I dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (f) | Slingring i åttor (R-shoulder reels of 3 (vertical)): rows II and I begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with row III, repeating (1 (b)). |
|:1-8:| | (g) | Steg med fotsvängning (kick-steps): columns B and C dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Columns B and A dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (h) | Slingring i åttor (R-shoulder reels of 3 (horizontal)): columns B and A begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with column C, repeating (1 (b)). |
|:1-4:| | 2 (a) | Trinddans: All form front basket (R arm over) and dance CW, 24 walking steps, with stamps on the last 2 steps. |
|:5-10:| | (b) | All dance CW, 36 buzz steps. |
|:1-4:| | (c) | All drop hold, hop on both feet 3 times while clapping hands (1). All reform front basket (L arm over), and dance CCW, 20 walking steps as in (2 (a)) above. |
|:5-10:| | (d) | All dance CCW, 36 reverse buzz steps. |
Repeat (2 (c) and (d)) as desired.
Provenance: this was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 1997 in Vasa, Finland. Source: material prepared for combined dances at Nordlek 1997 in Vasa.
Formation: 9 dancers (3 M and 6 W) in 3 rows of 3 dancers each. Eg column B might consist of 3 M with W in columns A and C. Alternatively, row II might consist of 3 M, with the other two rows consisting of 3 W in each. Fists on hips throughout part 1. music music music Row/Column A B C facing Row/Column A B C Row/Column A B C III 7 8 9 ↓ III W M W III W W W II 4 5 6 ↓ as II W M W or II M M M I 1 2 3 ↑ I W M W I W W W front front front Steps: liukupolska/polska steg 1 (buzz steps), reverse buzz steps, sparksteg frå nio man engel (kick steps from nio man engel), kävelyä/gångsteg (smooth, gliding walk) Sheet music: (1) Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 446 'Nio man engel after Herman West, Replot' in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. pp.278. (2) Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 446 'polska after "Jyssas Karl", Replot' in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. pp.280. (3) Andersson, Otto & Greta Dahlström/ nr 1441 'Nijmanengel, Johan Kock', in: Folkdans: A2. yngre dansmelodier. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 466; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Åbo: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1975. p.497. (4) Andersson, Otto/ Nr. 1010 'Bådeliga kårvskot herrar' in: Folkdans: A1. äldre dansmelodier. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 400; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Åbo: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1963. p.472. (5) Brages Folkdanslag/ nrs 33a & 33b 'after Herman West, Replot & polska after "Jyssas Karl", Replot' in: II: Dansmelodier till 45 folkdanser. Helsingfors: Brages Förlag, 1949. pp. 59-61. (6) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 'Bådeliga kårvskot herrar & polska after "Jyssas Karl", Replot' Årsprogram 1999-2000. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, [1999]. pp. 36-37. Recordings: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2007-2008 tracks 09 & 10; Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 'Bådeliga kårvskot herrar' Årsprogram 1999-2000 track 13. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-8 | 1 (a) | Sparksteg (kick-steps): Columns B and C, facing each other, dance 8 kick-steps. On beat (8:3), column B turns (over R shoulder) to face column A. |
1-8 | Columns B and A dance 8 kick-steps. | |
9-16 | (b) | Slingring i åttor/'trädase' (R-shoulder reels of 3 (horizontal)): Columns B and A begin reels of 3
[along the rows].
Persons in columns B and A pass R shoulders, almost passing back-to-back, while persons in column C move to their R to join the reels.
Passing in the reels is done back to back. 4 walking steps per arc from centre column to side column and vice versa. Finish in original positions.
[Ie the two columns/rows which last danced kick-steps begin the reel.] |
9-16 | Columns B and C and A repeat reels of 3. | |
|:1-8:| | (c) | Sparksteg (kick-steps): Rows II and I dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Rows II and III dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (d) | Slingring i åttor/'trädase' (R-shoulder reels of 3 (vertical)): Rows II and III begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with
row I, repeating (1 (b)) [along the columns].
[Ie the two columns/rows which last danced kick-steps begin the reel.] |
|:1-8:| | (e) | Sparksteg (kick-steps): Columns B and A dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Columns B and C dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (f) | Slingring i åttor/'trädase' (R-shoulder reels of 3 (horizontal)): Columns B and C begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with column A, repeating (1 (b)). |
|:1-8:| | (g) | Sparksteg (kick-steps): Rows II and III dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). Rows II and I dance 8 kick-steps (1-8). |
|:9-16:| | (h) | Slingring i åttor/'trädase' (R-shoulder reels of 3 (vertical)): Rows II and I begin R-shoulder reels of 3 with row III, repeating (1 (b)). |
|:1-4:| | 2 (a) | Polska/'ihopdansase'/'ta-ihop-an': All form front basket (R arm over R neighbour's L) and dance CW, 24 walking steps, with stamps on the last 2 steps. |
|:5-10:| | (b) | All dance CW, 36 buzz steps. |
|:1-4:| | (c) | All drop hold, hop on both feet 3 times while clapping hands (1). All reform front basket (L arm over L neighbour's R), and dance CCW, 20 walking steps as in (2 (a)) above. |
|:5-10:| | (d) | All dance CCW, 36 reverse buzz steps. |
Repeat (2 (a) through (d)) as desired.
Provenance: Polska transcribed by Wilhelm Sjöberg in 1903. The music for 'nio man engel' was transcribed by Bertel Malm in 1922. The dance was documented in 1922 by Uno V. Sten, of Replot. Still being danced [Brage 1949] Source: Blomberg, Marcus in :Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ Årsprogram 2007-2008. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring rf, [2007]. pp. 9-10.
See video Kulturella Folkdans-Gillet (KFG) 2010
See also:
-- Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 446 'after Herman West, Replot' in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel.
(Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982.
Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. pp. XII, 297-299, 436-437, 461, 464 .
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-08-19, rev. 2023-03-07.
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