Nuorten leiki

Country: Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: open circle of couples, facing LOD, side-cross hold
Steps: vaihtoaskel (change-step)
Sheet music: [any mazurka with appropriate structure (eg AABB,A=B=8)]
Recordings: [any mazurka with appropriate structure (eg AABB,A=B=8)]

Bars Part Dance progression
1-8 (a) Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), all dance 8 change-steps forward in LOD.
1-8   All form closed circle, W to R of partner, M facing out, W facing in. 8 change-steps, moving in LOD.
|:9-16:|   Resuming side-cross hold, repeat (a).
1-8 (b) All take skewed waltz hold with partner.
Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), all dance 8 change-steps moving in LOD.
Finish in open circle, facing partner, M facing out of circle, W facing in.
1-8   All advance with 1 change-step, passing to L of partner (1)(W moving into centre of circle, M moving out). All stamp 3 times (2).
All retire with opposite footwork, again passing R shoulders (3-4).
Repeat advance and retire, passing on R (passing L shoulders) (5-8).
|:9-16:|   All take two-hand hold with partner and dance CW on the spot, 8 change-steps. Ditto turning CCW on the spot.
|:1-8:||:9-16:|   Repeat (b).

Provenance: possibly choreographed by Matti Suonpää, Toronto ON.
Source: video of 2019 Florida Finnfest rehearsal (@ 3:00).
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-02-09, rev. 2023-03-07.

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