Pas d'Espagne aka patespaani. pasdespa, spa de spa

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing LOD and holding inside hands at shoulder height.
Steps: sidsteg (side-step), vals (waltz)
Sheet music:
(1) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. p.8.
(2) Askolin, Erica/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: nuotisto. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. pp.34-35.
(3) Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Musik till gillesdanser i Norden - fiol. [Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur], 1970. p.15.
(4) Zarman, Alexander Alexandrovich Zarman New salon dance: pas d'Espagne. Moscow: 1899. pp. 1-3.
Recordings: Herrgårdskvartett Herrgårdsdanser nr 1 track 08; Ingå Spelmansgille Lite myki bra musik 1 track 18; Kauriga Balalaika Ensemble Russian dances (1975) [Smithsonian Folkways Recordings]; Kiri Kiri 'Batespan' (Victor (80253-B), 1926) [Internet Archive]; Kivi, Erik 'Batespan' (1926) [Internet Archive]; Kostya Poliansky and his Balalaika Orchestra (Folk Dancer MH-1061-B) [Internet Archive]; Kotikallio, Ilja 'Patespaani' Karmuuni lauloi (Kansanmusiikki-instituutti) [YouTube]; Lakselv Spellemanslaug 'spa de spa' Danse-slåtter frå Finnmark track 19; Orchestra of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR (1944) [Internet Archive]; Pauli Granfeltin yhtye Juhlatansseja tanssittavaksi track 04 [YouTube] also on Shazam and Spotify; Pelimannikilta Juhla- ja salonkitansseja track 22; Russian National Balalaika Orchesstra [Internet Archive]; Varuskunnan kavaljeerit Juhlatansseja 2 track 01 [YouTube]; Vårdal, Vegar et al 'Pas Déspagne frå Oslo' Norske turdansar IV frå Austlandet 2 (2001 Grappa Musikkforlag A/S) [YouTube]; Aage Grundstad Ensemble Norske tur og folkedanser 4 (2015 Warner Music Norway AS) track 08 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 1 (a) Advance & retire: Starting with outside foot (ML/WR) couples dance 2 waltz steps forward in LOD (1-2), followed by 2 waltz steps backwards in RLOD (3-34). Both turn (M CW, W CCW) to face RLOD, and take new inside hands.
5-8   Couples dance 2 waltz steps forward in RLOD (5-6), followed by 2 waltz steps backwards in LOD (7-8). Both turn (M CCW, W CW) to face LOD.
9-10   (b) W/M under arms: Still holding WR in ML, W passes under ML/WR arms to change places with partner, 2 waltz steps.
11-12   Both dance 2 side-steps in RLOD. Change hands.
13-14   Holding WL in MR hand, M passes under joined hands to change places with W, back to original position. 2 waltz steps.
15-16   Both dance 2 side-steps in LOD.
17-18 2 (a) Turn singly: M turns a full turn CCW while W turns CW, moving in LOD. 2 waltz steps.
19-20   Holding inside hands, both dance 2 side-steps in LOD. Change hands.
21-24   Repeat (2 (a)), M turning CW while W turns CCW on first two measures, and moving in RLOD.
17-18   (b) Side steps & waltz: Take waltz hold, M facing out of circle and W facing in. Dance 2 side-steps in LOD.
19-20   and two side-steps in RLOD.
21-24   Dance 4 turning waltz steps, turning CW and moving in LOD.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.]

See YouTube videos with Kansantanssiryhmä Väkitukko & Lappajärven pelimannit 2013, Vanhojen tanssit 2021, Keravan lukion wanhat 2016, Borgå salongsdansare 2018, Vanhat tanssit-graduation ball 2021 and a Norwegian version with Folkedanslaget Springar`n 2018

Provenance: First published 1899. Occurs also in Norway and Sweden. Taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Vancouver, March 25-26, 1988.
Source: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. p.8.
See also:
-- Zarman, Alexander Alexandrovich Zarman/ New salon dance: pas d'Espagne. Moscow: 1899. pp. 1-4. [in Russian]
-- Bottallo. B./ Guide du bon danseur. Paris, 1912. p.114+.
-- Komulainen, Orvokki/ Vanhoja tansseja polkasta poloneesiin. Helsinki: WSOY, 1981.
-- Melkko, Une/ Seuratansseja. Koti- ja ulkomaisia tansseja sekä vanhat tanssit. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Oskeyhtiö., 1960. pp. 74-75.
-- Mäkelä, Sinikka, Erja Askolin & Matti Lankinen et al/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: koti- ja ulkomaisia seratansseja sekä juhla- ja salonkitansseja. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. pp. 42-43.
-- Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden. [Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. pp. 48-49.
-- Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto Patispaani
-- Historiallisten tanssien wiki: Pas d'Espagne, 2014
-- Suomen Tanssipalvelin: muut tanssit: salonkitanssit Pas d'Espagne
-- Suomen Tanssipalvelin Suomalaisen seuratanssin historiaa
-- Helen's Yiddish dance page Pas d'Espagne, Pasdespan', Pa' d'Espan' pp. 1-7.
-- Tanhukurssi Minnesota '93 1993: p.49.
-- See also additional sources in Library of Dance/ Vintage dance manuals.
Description by L Ruus, Vancouver, March 25-26, 1988.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-10-28, rev. 2023-03-18.

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