Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing LOD. Holding inside hands. [Vanhapelto taught this with joined hands at shoulder height and free fist on hip.]
Steps: vaihtoaskel/fotombytessteg (change step, flat-footed),
kävelyä/gångsteg (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. p.10.
(2) Askolin, Erica/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: nuotisto. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. p.35.
(3) "Pas de quatre - chanté. Paroles de Antonin Louis ; musique de Meyer Lutz." Londres: E. Ascherberg [1895]. [Internet Archive]
Helsingin Varuskuntasoittokunta Juhlatanssit ( Odeon – 5E 048-34729, 1983) track A2;
Herrgårdskvartett Herrskapsdanser 1 track 11;
Pelimannikilta Juhla- ja salonkidansseja track 23;
New London Orchestra British light music classics (Hyperion (CDA66868, 1996) track 07 [Internet Archive];
Pauli Granfeltin yhtye Juhlatansseja tanssittavaksi (1975 PSO) track 02 [YouTube];
Sheludyakov, Anatoly [YouTube;
Solistiseitsikko Otava Pas de quatre/Mignon (Rytmi – R 6019, 1949) track A;
Solistiseitsikko Otava Vanhoja tansseja ja marsseja (Rytmi – RTLP 7509, 1966) track A1;
Varuskunnan kavaljeerit Juhlatansseja 1 (1961 PSO) track 02 [YouTube].
Pas de quatre
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing LOD. Holding inside hands, joined hands at shoulder height and free fist on hip. Steps: vaihtoaskel/fotombytessteg (change step, flat-footed), kävelyä/gångsteg (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1 | 1 (a) | Fwd,back,point: Starting with outside foot (ML/WR), dance 1 walking step forward in LOD (1:1), 1 backward in RLOD (1:2) and 1
forward in LOD (1:3). Turn to partner and tap toes of inside (MR/WL) foot forward with a small curtsey/bow (1:4). |
2 | Two walking steps forward (2:1-2), followed by a change-step (2:3-4). | |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | Repeat from (1 (a)).
Finish beside partner, facing in LOD, holding inside hands. |
9 | 2 (a) | 'Sweep' step: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, all dance 3 walking steps forward in LOD (9:1-3), with a forward 'sweeping' motion, turning toward partner, with inside (MR/WL) foot (9:4). |
10 | Repeat with opposite footwork, with a forward 'sweeping' motion, turning away from partner, with outside (ML/WR) foot. | |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | (b) | Repeat from (2 (a)).
Finish facing partner, M with back to centre of circle, holding inside (MR/WL) hands. |
1 | 3 (a) | 'Grapevine' step: Moving in LOD, dance outside (ML/WR) foot to the side (1:1), inside (MR/WL) foot crossed behind (1:2), outside (ML/WR) foot to the side (1:3), cross and point inside (MR/WL) foot in front of outside foot (1:4). |
2 | Moving in RLOD, cross outside (ML/WR) foot behind inside foot (2:1), inside (MR/WL) foot to the side (2:2), cross outside (ML/WR) foot behind inside foot (2:3), close inside (MR/WL) foot to outside (ML/WR) foot (2:4). | |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | Repeat from (3 (a)). Finish beside partner, facing in LOD, holding inside hands. | |
9 | 4 (a) | Fwd,back,touch: Starting with outside foot (ML/WR), dance one change-step forward in LOD (9:1-2), 1 walking step forward in LOD with inside foot (9:3), and touch outside (ML/WR) foot to inside (9:4), with a nod to partner. |
10 | 1 change step backward in RLOD, turning toward partner (10:1-2), 1 step to the side with inside (MR/WL) foot (10:3), followed by closing outside (ML/WR) foot to inside (10:4), with a nod to partner. | |
11-12 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
13-16 | Repeat from (4 (a)).
[Repeat from (1 (a) as desired.] Source: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring/ 8 gamla salongsdanser. [Helsingfors]: Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f., 1973. pp.10-11. |
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing LOD. Holding inside hands, joined hands at shoulder height and free fist on hip. Steps: vaihtoaskel/fotombytessteg (change step, flat-footed), kävelyä/gångsteg (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1 | 1 (a) | Forward & point: Starting with outside foot (ML/WR), dance 3 walking steps in LOD (1).
Turn to partner and point inside (MR/WL) foot towards partner with a small curtsey/bow (2). |
2 | Starting with inside foot (MR/WL), repeat (1 a), turning away from partner and pointing outside foot away fron partner (4). | |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with ML/WR foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | Repeat from (1 (a)). Finish facing partner, M with back to centre of circle, holding inside hands (WL in MR). | |
9 | 2 (a) | 'Grapevine' step: Moving in LOD, M dances L to the side, R behind L, L to the side (1), cross and point R in front of L (2). W dances same, with opposite footwork. |
10 | Repeat (2 a), moving with RLOD, with opposite footwork. | |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with ML/WR foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | Repeat from (2 (a)). Finish beside partner, facing in LOD, holding inside hands. | |
1 | 3 (a) | Forward & dip: Starting with outside foot (ML/WR), dance one change-step forward in LOD. Step forward in inside (MR/WL) foot, swaying forward with a dip, and pointing outside foot backwards. |
2 | Starting with outside foot (ML/WR), dance one change-step backwards in RLOD.
Step back in inside (MR/WL) foot, cross and point outside foot in front of inside foot, turning towards partner. |
3-4 | (b) | Couple turn: Take waltz hold with partner, and starting with ML/WR foot, dance 4 change-steps, turning CW and moving in LOD. |
5-8 | Repeat from (3 (a)).
[Repeat from (1 (a) as desired.] Source: Taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Portland, OR, 1987-10-10 to 11, and in Vancouver 1988-03-26 to 27. |
See videos from/with Gällmalaget 1984 (at 4:33), PaintedCloudsStudio 2017, PaintedCloudsStudio 2018, PaintedCloudsStudio 2018, Vanhojen tanssit 2020, KYppendales 2020
"Wilhelm Meyer Lutz (c1829–1903) was born and educated in Münnerstadt, near Kissingen, Bavaria. He came to England in 1848 and, after various
posts as an organist, began a career as musical director in London theatres. From 1869 he was the musical director at the Gaiety Theatre,
composing songs and dances for numerous shows there. Among them was the rhythmically engaging Pas de quatre which appeared in the burlesque "Faust Up to Date"
(1888). It gained immense popularity, the more so for the fact that its tune fitted the steps of the 'barn dance', which had just then been imported
from America into British ballrooms. From notes by Andrew Lamb © 1996." [Hyperion Records.]
On the program for the historical balls at Nordlek 2003 in Næstved and 2018 in Falun.
See also:
-- Crompton, R.M. & Meyer Lutz/ Pas de quatre, the enormously
successful dance from Opera Burlesque "Faust Up to Date". [London]: s.n., 1888. [in English, French, German]
-- Melkko, Une/ Seuratansseja. Koti- ja ulkomaisia tansseja sekä vanhat tanssit. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Oy., 1960. pp. 82-83.
-- Komulainen, Orvokki/ Vanhoja tansseja polkasta poloneesiin. Helsinki: WSOY 1981
-- Mäkelä, Sinikka, Erja Askolin & Matti Lankinen et al/ Seura- ja juhlatansseja: koti- ja
ulkomaisia seratansseja sekä juhla- ja salonkitansseja. Porvoo: Kansantanssinuorten Liitto ry, 2012. pp. 43-44.
-- Historiallisten tanssien wiki: Pas de Quatre, 2015
-- Suomen Tanssipalvelin Pas de quatro
-- Suomen Tanssipalvelin Suomalaisen seuratanssin historiaa
-- Acla Pas de quatre 1973
-- Sjöberg, Henry/ Pas de quatro in:
Folklig dans, del 3: 1800-talets pardanser 2:a uppl. s.l.: Brevskolan, 1973. pp. 50-52.
-- Tanhukurssi Minnesota '93 s.l.:s.n., 1993. p.53.
-- See also additional sources in Library of Dance/ Vintage dance manuals.
Description: Laine Ruus, 1987-10-10 to 11, rev. 2023-03-18.
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