Piirihempu, Kerimäki

Country: Kerimäki, Savo, Finland
Type: progressive round set dance
Formation: at least 5 couples in open circle. Couples are numbered CW around the set. Couple 1 inside the circle facing couple 2. Open waist-shoulder hold.
Steps: kävely (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.77.;
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.68.
Recordings: Tavallisen taajaan track 17.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) Näyttö (figuré): Couple 1 [=active couple] approaches couple 2 with 4 steps and turns CCW with 4 steps [on the spot].
1-4   Couple 1 retires to original position with 4 steps and turns CW with 4 steps [on the spot].
5-8 (b) Kierto (circle): Couple 2 advances with 2 walking steps. Couples 1 and 2 [in closed circle] circle CCW, 8 walking steps.
5-8   Couples 1 and 2 circle CW, at the end of which couple 1 retires to couple 2's original place and couple 2 moves on as the new centre (=active) couple to repeat from (a) with couple 3.
|:1-4:||:5-8:|   Couples 2 and 3 repeat from (a).
Repeat from (a) until all couples have danced as the active couple. [When couple 3 dances with couple 4, couple 1 can again begin as an active couple, dancing with couple 2. With each repeat thereafter, a new couple becomes the active couple, progressing CW around the circle.]
If there are many couples, [more than one couple may start as an active couple, ie] there may be several [active]couples in the centre at once,
|:Houkuta, houkuta poika parka,
ei meidän kaupat sovi:|
|:Vaikk', ois kivipytinki
ja minkälainen hovi.:|

Provenance: taught to Anni Collan by Jeremias Kero, from Kerimäki, around 1885.
Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp 193-194.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. p. 129-130.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-01-26, rev. 2023-03-18.

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