
Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, facing in LOD, holding MR/WR hands.
-- 'sweep' step: beginning with outside foot, 3 walking steps forward in LOD (1:1-1:3), on (1:4) 'sweep' MR/WL foot in an arc outwards forwards, from the hip and with a long dip. Repeat with opposite footwork.
-- 'limping' step: strong forward step onto ball of outside foot (1:1), 'limp' onto inside foot (1:2). Repeat with same footwork.
-- humppa, laukka (side-gallop), pisto (pivot), kävelyä (walk)
Sheet music: Nuottamarssi, comp. Matti Hintikka [viulut ja sello]. p.8 [huilu & klarinetti] p.6.; Pelimannisävelmiä Ikaalisista ja Pohjois-Satakunnasta p. 62.
Recordings: Pelimannien yhteissoitto 2014 [
YouTube]; Windalan pelimannit [YouTube];

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Poloneesi (sweep steps): Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), all dance 3 'sweep' steps forward in LOD (1-3). On (4), couple turns 1/2 turn CW with 4 walking steps [ie change places with partner]and again faces in LOD.
Repeat (5-7). On final bar, W turns CCW under joined R hands (8), 4 walking steps.
1-8   Repeat (a).
9-10 (b) Ottommi (limping steps): Still in R-in-R hold, all dance 3 'limping' steps forward in LOD (9-10:2). On (10:3), all dance strong step forward, and turning towards partner, 'limp' on inside foot backwards in LOD (10:4).
11-12   W continue turning CCW, and dance out of circle, 3 walking steps and close (11:4). Continue turning CCW, and return to place (12), 3 walking steps and close (12:4)
Meanwhile, M turn CW, advance into centre of circle, turn CW and return to place, with opposite footwork.
13-16, 9-16   Repeat (b) three times.
Finish in waltz hold with partner.
1-8 (c) Galoppi (slip steps): All dance 4 slip-steps in LOD, turning one-half turn CW on (2). Repeat slip-steps in LOD (3-4), turning 1/2 turn CW on (4).
Dance one slip-step in LOD (5), followed by one slip-step in RLOD (6).
Dance 2 pivot steps turning CW (7), change to open waist-shoulder hold and dance 2 walking steps forward in LOD (8).
1-8   Repeat (c).
9-16 (d) Pyöritys (humppa): With a clap on first beat (9:1), dance 4 walking steps forward in LOD (9).
Take waltz hold with partner and dance 4 humppa steps, turning CW and moving in LOD (10-14).
Turn W CW under ML/WR arms (15-16).
9-16   Repeat (d).
    [Repeat from (a) as desired.]

See video from/with Svengi 2019.

Provenance: choreographed by Petri Kauppinen.
Source: taught by Siiri Suoniemi at Oriveden tanhukurssi, Murikka, Dec. 27-30, 2019.
See also:
-- Tanssiriemu Piiripoloneesi
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-01-12, rev. 2023-03-18.

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