
Country: Finland
Type: longways non-progressive set dance
Formation: even number of couples in two lines of couples facing couples, holding inside hands.

                facing     >   <
                          M4   W5
                          W4   M5
                          M3   W6
                          W3   M6
                          M2   W7
                          W2   M7
                          M1   W8
                          W1   M8
Steps: humppa, laukka (slip step), kisa-askel (buzz step), sivuaskelikko (side-step), vaihtoaskelikko (change-step), kävely (walk).
Sheet music:
(1) Savilampi, Antti/ Workshop in Toronto-Vancouver 2002 [syllabus]. 2002.
(2) Savilampi, Antti/ comp. Hannu Seppänen. Workshop 2004 [syllabus]. 2004.
Recordings: Savilampi workshop CD 2002 track 10; Savilampi workshop CD 2004 track 18; Savilampi Vancouver workshop CD 2007 track 15;

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Vastuu (advance,retire,pass-thru): Couples, beginning with R foot, advance 2 humppa steps (1-2) , Retire ditto (3-4). Pass through opposite couple [W passing on inside] to opposite side (5-8), 4 humppa steps.
1-8   Couples [beginning with R foot], advance 2 humppa steps (1-2) , Retire ditto (3-4). Even numbered M (2, 4, 6 etc) lead the opposing pairs into horizontal rows (5-8), 4 humppa steps.
                         W4 M4
                         M5 W5
                         W2 M2
                         M7 W7
                         W1 M1
                         M8 W8
1-8   Opposite couples repeat advance, retire and pass-through. 8 humppa steps.
1-8   Couples repeat advance, retire and lead back to original vertical orientation. 8 humppa steps.
9-16 (b) Laukat (slip steps): Couples turn, hand in hand, 1/4 turn to L [CCW], W in place and M moving (9-10), 2 humppa steps. [Finish in 2-hand hold with partner]
Opposite couples change places (11-12), W leading, 4 slip steps.
At opposite place, couples swing partner CCW (13-16), 8 buzz steps.
9-16   Couples turn 1/4 turn to R [CW], M on the spot and W moving (9-10), 2 change steps,
return to original place (11-12), W leading, 4 slip steps,
and swing partner CW (13-16), 8 buzz steps.
9-16   W dance to R side of opposite M (9-10), 4 slip steps
take thumb hold with opposite M, and both turn CW (11-12), 4 buzz steps.
M dance to L side of opposite place (13-14), 4 slip steps,
takes thumb hold with own partner, and both turn CCW (15-16), 4 buzz steps.
9-16   All take waltz hold with partner and, M beginning with L foot backwards, all dance turning humppa, moving CCW, 8 humppa steps.
1-8 (c) Piiri ja kättely (circle & chain): All W form closed circle, and circle CW, 8 humppa steps to their original places. Meanwhile, all M dance around the perimeter of the circle with side-steps and turn CW back to place [beside partner], 4 humppa steps.
1-8   Beginning with R hand to partner, all dance R-hand chain around the set
1-8   M form closed circle, and circle CCW. 8 humppa steps. Meanwhile, W dance 4 side-steps to L, and circle L to place[beside partner], 4 humppa steps.
1-8   All take waltz hold with partner and dance turning humppa to return to original place, moving CCW, 8 humppa steps. (circle moves 1/2 turn).
9-16 (d) Laukat (slip steps): Couples turn, hand in hand, 1/4 turn to L [CCW], W in place and M moving (9-10), 2 humppa steps. [Finish in 2-hand hold with partner]
Opposite couples change places (11-12), W leading, 4 slip steps.
At opposite place, couples swing partner CCW (13-16), 8 buzz steps.
9-16   Couples turn 1/4 turn to R [CW], M on the spot and W moving (9-10), 2 change steps,
return to original place (11-12), W leading, 4 slip steps,
and swing partner CW (13-16), 8 buzz steps.
9-16   W dance to R side of opposite M (9-10), 4 slip steps
takes thumb hold with opposite M, and both turn CW (11-12), 4 buzz steps.
M dance to L side of opposite place (13-14), 4 slip steps,
takes thumb hold with own partner, and both turn CCW (15-16), 4 buzz steps.
9-16   All take waltz hold with partner and dance turning humppa, moving CCW, 8 humppa steps.
1-8 (e) Karkelo pojat (M karkelo): All M begin with R foot, and dance 3 steps diagonally fotward R, backward with L foot (1-2),
and turn once round to R [CW] in front of opposite W (3-4),
take upper-arm hold with opposite W, and turn CW, 8 buzz steps (5-8).
1-8   Repeat (e) to return to partner.
9-16 (f) Karkelo tytöt (W karkelo): All W dance sideways across the set, leading with R side: R foot to R side, cross L foot behind, and a change step sideways to R (9-10),
step L diagonally forward R as if to pass opposite W by L shoulder, step R behind, and dance a change step turning once round CCW [around L shoulder], passing opposite W on the L (11-12),
take upper-arm hold with opposite M, and turn CW, 8 buzz steps (13-16).
9-16   Repeat (f) to return to partner.
|:1-8:| (g) Vastuu (advance,retire,pass-thru): Couples, beginning with R foot, advance 2 humppa steps (1-2) , Retire ditto (3-4). Pass through opposite couple [W passing on inside] to opposite place (5-8), 4 humppa steps.
Repeat to return to place (1-8).
|:9-16:|   Humppapiiri (humppa): Couples[in waltz hold], dance turning humppa, turning CW and moving in LOD [CCW].

See video from/with Nuorisoseura Motora 2014

Provenance: choreographed by Milsse Peltokangas. Tune composed by Hannu Seppänen, SaxMex.

Source: Savilampi, Antti/ Workshop in Toronto-Vancouver 2002 [syllabus]. 2002.
See also:
-- Savilampi, Antti/ Workshop 2004 [syllabus]. 2004.

Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-09-04.

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