Rihmarulla, Rantasalmi

Country: Rantasalmi, Savo, Finland
Type: non-progressive longways set dance
Formation: longways set of 6 couples in two lines, couples facing couples, holding inside hands, free fist on hip.

            W6-M6   W5-M5   W4-M4    

            M1-W1   M2-W2   M3-W3    
Steps: karkelo, kävelyä (walk)
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ 'pohjalainen neliö' in: Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.95.
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.76.
(3) Väisänen, Yrjö/ nr 59 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia - sävelmistö. Porvoo: Werner Söderström oy, [1962]. p.36.
(4) Heikkilä, Sari (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1988. pp.34-36.
(5) Komulainen, Orvokki (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1973. pp. 24-26.
(6) Pulkkinen, Asko/ Suomalaisia kansantanhuja - nuotit. [4 painos]. Helsinki: Werner Söderström oy, 1947. p.139.
Recordings: Helsingin Kansanmusiikkin ystävät Old Finnish folk dances track 14; Kansantanhuyhtye Suomalaisia tanhuja track A5; Karvinen, Antti Tanhumusiikkia; Karvinen, Antti Suomalaisia kansantanhuja 1 track A3 [YouTube]; Orivesi All Stars Kaikenmoisia tansseja 1 track 9; Suomen Nuorison Liitto track A3.

    As described in Tanhuvakka:
Formation: 4, 6 or 8 couples, in two lines of couples facing couples. Even numbered couples stand in line to the L seen from the front, odd-numbered couples face them, to the R as seen from the front. M arms folded on chest, W holding skirt.
                    W5-M5   W3-M3   W1-M1
          front                               music
                    M6-W6   M4-W4   M2-W2  
Steps: kisa askel (buzz step), puoliripaska, jalan heilautukset (step-swing), vaihtoaskelikko (change-step), kävelyä (walk), polkua (stamp/stomp),
Bars Part Dance progression:
    Tyttöjen vaihto
1-4 1 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire): In front cross thumb hold with partner, couples advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and retire ditto (3-4).
1-4   Couples again advance 4 walking steps (1-2), M exchange partners with opposite, turning CCW, return to original place with her, with 4 walking steps (3-4).
5-12   (b) Paripyörintää (couple turn): Take 2-hand hold with opposite, and dance 8 walking steps CW, followed by 8 walking steps CCW.
|:1-4:|,5-12   Repeat (1 (a) and (b)) to return W to place.
1-4 2 (a) Karkelo kääntymättä: All dance karkelo with opposite, finishing in time to turn 1/2 turn CW, in 2-hand hold with partner, in opposite place. 8 walking steps.
1-4   Repeat karkelo to return to original place.
5-12   (b) Paripyörintää (couple turn): Repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Tyttöjen sisäpiiri (W circle): All W form closed circle, M form open outer citcle. Closed circle dances 8 walking steps CW, followed by 8 walking steps CCW. M circle dances CCW, then CW, to finish to L of partner. M form closed circle, and lift joined hands over the heads of the inner circle to form front basket.
5-12   (b) Ristipiiri (collapsed circles): The basket collapses to 2 parallel lines the length of the set (5-6), 4 walking steps.
All back out/advance to circle formation (7-8), 4 walking steps.
Basket collapses to form 2 parallel lines perpendicular to the first (9-10), 4 walking steps.
All back out/advance to circle formation (11-12), 4 walking steps.
|:1-4:|   Repeat (3 b).
5-12   (c) Paripyörintää (couple turn): Repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:|   (a) Poikien sisäpiiri (M circle): repeat (3 (a)), this time M form closed inner circle and W form open outer circle.
5-12,|:1-4:|   (b) Ristipiiri (collapsed circles): Repeat (3 (b)).
5-12   (c) Paripyörintää (couple turn): Repeat (1 (b)).
    Tyttöjen heitto
|:1-4:| 4 (a) Tyttöjen heito (lift W): All take waltz hold, skewed to face opposite couple. All advance (1-2) 4 walking steps, with brief courtesy on last beat. All retire (3-4).
M braces with L foot forward, and lifts his partner diagonally forward and to his L. W leaps, turning one-half turn CCW to land facing opposite M (2), and dances 2 walking steps to opposite M (3-4).
5-12   (b) Paripjörintää (couple turn): Repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:|,5-12   Repeat (5 (a) and (b)) to return to place.
1-4 5 (a) Vastuu (advance & retire): In front cross thumb hold with partner, couples advance 4 walking steps (1-2) and retire ditto (3-4).
5-12   (b) Paripjörintää (couple turn): Repeat (1 (b)).

See videos from/with Vinteliska Speleissä 2018, Vinteliska 2018, Suomen Nuorisoseurojen virikemateriaali vuodelle 2017, Teuvan Nuorisoseuran kansantanssijat 2017, Pispalan sottiisi 2016, Pispalan Sottiisi 2016.

Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 195-196.

    As taught by Vanhapelto:
Formation: 4, 6 or 8 couples, in two lines of couples facing couples. Even numbered couples stand in line to the L seen from the front, odd-numbered couples face them, to the R as seen from the front. M arms folded on chest, W holding skirt.
                    W5-M5   W3-M3   W1-M1
          front                               music
                    M6-W6   M4-W4   M2-W2  
Steps: polkka, laukka (slip step), kävelyä (walk),
Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-4:| 1 (a) Advance & retire: All begin with outside (ML/WR) foot, advance 4 walking steps (1-2), retire 4 walking steps (3-4). Repeat (1-4)
5-12   (b) W half-chain: W R-hand half-chain to opposite (5-6), 2 polkka steps.
Courtesy turn with opposite (7-8), 2 polkka steps.
W R-hand half-chain back to partner (9-10), 2 polkka steps.
Take two-hand hold with partner at shoulder height, turn CW on the spot with 2 polkka steps (11-12).
1-4 2 (a) Two circles: W form closed inner circle, and circle CW with 8 walking steps. Meanwhile, M form closed outer circle, and circle CCW with 8 walking steps.
1-4   W circle CCW with 8 walking steps. Meanwhile, M circle CW with 8 walking steps. Finish with M bringing joined arms over women's head to form front basket.
5-12   (b) Collapsing circles: The basket collapses to 2 parallel lines the length of the set (5-6), 2 polkka steps.
All back out/advance to circle formation (7-8), 2 polkka steps.
Basket collapses to form 2 parallel lines perpendicular to the first (9-10), 2 polkka steps.
All back out/advance to circle formation (11-12), 2 polkka steps.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Chain: All dance R-hand chain to first meeting with own partner (7th person). Turn one-half turn CW on the spot with partner. 8 polkka steps.
5-12   (b) Chain back to place, 8 polkka steps. Finish in original lines.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) Advance,retire,W change places: All take waltz hold, skewed to face opposite couple. All advance (1-2) 4 walking steps, with brief courtesy on last beat.
All retire (3-4) 4 walking steps.
M braces with L foot forward, and flips his partner diagonally forward and to his L. W leaps, turning one-half turn CCW to land facing opposite M (1), and dances 1 polkka step over to opposite M (2).
All take two-hand hold with opposite, and turn CCW on the spot (3-4), 2 polkka steps. Finish in 'butterfly' hold with opposite.
5-12   (b) Couples change places: Opposite couples change places, M passing back to back, 8 slip steps.
Opposite couples change places to return to M's place, W passing back to back, 8 slip steps.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) Two circles: Repeat (2 a), but this time M form inner circle and W form outer circle.
5-12   (b) Collapsing circles: Repeat (2 b).
Finish in original lines, in two-hand hold with arms crossed in front (MR arm underneath), and thumb hold.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) Advance,retire,W change places: All advance 4 walking steps (1-2), finishing with a brief courtesy on the last beat.
All retire (3-4), 4 walking steps.
All advance, drop hold with partner and take crossed-hand thumb hold with opposite. M leads opposite W in a CCW curve back to his place (1-4), 8 walking steps.
5-12   (b) Still in thumb hold, couples turn CCW on the spot, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
|:1-4:| 7 (a) Karkelo: all start with R foot, advance 3 walking steps (R L R) diagonally to R of opposite person (1 & 2). Step back on L foot (&). Advance on R foot passing to L of opposite (ie passing R shoulders), turning one-half turn CCW (3), and 3 walking steps out to opposite place (& 4 &).
Repeat (7 (a)) to return to place (1-4).
5-12   (b) Couples take 2-hand hold with partner and turn CCW on the spot, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
2x[|:1-4:|, 5-8] 8 (a) Arches: Couples 1 through 5 crouch down, facing into set. Meanwhile, couple 6, holding inside hands, M passing on inside and W on outside, dance polkka steps passing over the crouching couples, moving CCW around the set and back to place to crouch down in turn. After 4 polkka steps, couple 4 follows couple 6, then couples 2, 1, 3 in turn, and finally couple 5.
After each couple has danced 4 polkka steps, the next couple follows them, in turn, until all couples have danced around the set and back to place. Polkka steps throughout, turning face-to-face and back-to-back with partner, etc.
|:1-4:|   (b) All couples stand up, M facing out of set and W facing in. All take 'butterfly' hold with partner, and dance 16 slip steps, moving CCW around the set.

See video with Scandinavian dancers of Vancouver BC, 2011.

Provenance: As taught by Martti Vanhapelto, Portland, 1987-10-10 to 11.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1987-10.

See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka. Porvoo: W Söderström, 1977. pp. 341-343.
-- Väisänen, Yrjö/ nr 59 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia. Porvoo: Werner Söderström oy, [1962]. pp. 81-83.
-- Pulkkinen, Asko/ nr 2 in: Suomalaisia kansantanhuja. 4 painos. Helsinki: Werner Söderström oy, 1947. pp.24-29.
-- Heikkilä, Sari (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1988. pp.34-36.
-- Komulainen, Orvokki (ed.)/ Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1973. pp.24-26.
-- Daley, Susanna 'rihmarulla' in: Stockton Folk Dance Camp/ Syllabus of dance descriptions 1976. Stockton, CA: Stockton Folk Dance Camp, 1976. pp. 125-126, & Errata p. 11.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-02-23, rev. 2023-04-04.

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