Ruotsinkatrilli Viipurista

Country: Viipuri, Russia (formerly Finland)
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille, head couples have backs to or face the music, side couples stand respectively to the right of head couples.
Steps: kävelyaskeleita (walk, 3 steps per bar), keinahtavia kävelyaskeleita (walk, 1 step per bar), vanha valssi.
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.101.
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.82.

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) Piiri (circle): All form closed circle, and dance CW (1-4), 12 walking steps [3 steps per bar]. Ditto CCW (5-8) 12 walking steps.
9-12   (b) Läpikänti (cross-overs): Head couples, [holding inside hands], cross to opposite place, [W passing on inside], 12 walking steps.
[At opposite place, turn CW as a couples, to face into set.]
13-16   Side couples cross to opposite place as above.
9-16   Repeat (b).
|:17-24:|   (c) Vanha valssi: In waltz hold, couples dance vanha valssi, turning CW and moving in LOD (CCW).
During the vanha valssi, couples take waltz hold, right sides together, with outside hands [ML/WR] on [M's L] hip. Vanha valssi begins with a few slow walking steps (W with a side step) before beginning turn.
Parts (b) and (c) are the same in all sequences.
1-8 2 (a) Tyttöjen yhden käden risti (W 1-hand star): All W form R-hand star with thumb hold, and circle CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8) in L-hand hold, 12 walking steps.
1-8 3 (a) Poikien yhden käden risti (M 1-hand star): All M form R-hand star with thumb hold, and circle CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8) in L-hand hold, 12 walking steps.
1-8 4 (a) Tyttöjen kahden käden risti (W 2-hand star): All W form two-hand star, and circle CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8), 12 walking steps.
1-8 5 (a) Poikien kahden käden risti (M 2-hand star): All M form two-hand star, and circle CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8), 12 walking steps.
1-8 6 (a) Tyttöjen piiri (W circle): All W form closed circle, and dance CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8) 12 walking steps.
1-8 7 (a) Poikien piiri (M circle): All M form closed circle, and dance CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8) 12 walking steps.
1-8 8 (a) Pääparit portit (head couples arches): Head couples form arch, and dance CW once around the set, 24 walking steps. [Meanwhile, side couples bend down or crouch in place.]
1-8 9 (a) Sivuparit portit (side couples arches): Side couples form arch, and dance CW once around the set, 24 walking steps. [Meanwhile, head couples bend down or crouch in place.
1-8 10 (a) Piiri (circle): The dance finishes with all forming closed circle, and dancing CW (1-4), 12 walking steps. Ditto CCW (5-8) 12 walking steps.

See videos from/with Sisun tanhuujat 2023, and off-line video Suomalaisen_kansantanssin_askelikot_osa_3 (at 31:36; DVD),

Provenance: Documented by Anni Collan in 1908.

Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.221.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 238-240
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, and Raila Erme, Toronto, rev. 2023-05-18.

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