Country: Yleissuomalaisia, (all over) Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: sets of 2 couples, in a square, W1 facing W2, and M1 facing M2, M arms folded on chest, W with free fists on hips.
M2 W2 W1 M1Steps: kantavarvashyppely (heel-toe), enkeliskahyppely (jig), juoksu (run), hyppy (step-hop), kävelyä (walk)
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-4 | 1 (a) | Kantavarvashyppely (heel-toe steps): All turn to face somewhat CW in the circle, and dance 4 heel-toe steps to centre of set with R foot (ie. hopping on L foot, R heel to centre (1:1), R toe to L heel (1:2), repeat). |
1-4 | Turning to face CCW in circle, repeat (1 (a)) hopping on R foot and dancing 4 heel-toe steps with L foot. | |
5-6 | (b) | Paikanvaihto (change places): Both W clap on (1:1) and change places, starting with R foot and passing on the R. 4 walking steps. |
7-8 | M repeat (1 (b)). | |
5-8 | W, then M repeat (1 (b)). | |
|:1-4:|,|:5-8:| | Repeat (1 (a) and (b)).
Finish with M1 standing in front of W1, both facing couple 2, and M2 behind W2 both facing couple 1. M2 W2 M1 W1 |
|:9-12:| | 2 (a) | Pilkistys (flirtation): W1 and M2 wave at each other, flirting, from behind partner's back, first with L hand over partner's L shoulder (9), then with R hand (10) over partner's R shoulder. Repeat 3 times (11-12, 9-12). |
|:13-16:| | (b) | Paripjörintä (turn opposite): W1 and M2 step out from behind partners, take 2-hand hold in centre, and dance 8 step-hops, turning CW, followed by 8 step-hops turning CCW.
Finish in front of own partner, facing opposite couple. W2 M2 W1 M1 |
|:9-12:|, |:13-16:| | W2 and M1 repeat (2 (a) and (b)).
Finish with M back to back in centre, facing respective partners. Fists on hips. |
17-20 | 3 (a) | Enkeliskahyppely (jig steps): All dance 6 jig steps, beginning with weight on L foot and swinging R foot behind it (17-19) followed by 3 stamps (20). |
21-24 | Repeat (3 a), this time, beginning with weight on R foot and swinging L foot behind. | |
25-32 | (b) | Enkeliskakierto (reel of 4): All dance R-shoulder reel of 4, beginning by passing partner on the L. 28 running steps (25-31), and finish with W back to back in center facing partners. Followed by 3 stamps (32). |
17-32 | Repeat (3 (a) and (b)). |
See videos: Maiju Laurila 2022, sottiisitybe 2016, Paraisten Tanssijat 2013, Kansantanssin Riemuvuosi 2015 (choreography for Pispalan Sottiisi 2016)
Provenance: A sequence of 3 little dances, likely strung together for performance in the play 'Saimaan rannalla', first performed in the spring of 1880. According to Burchenal (1915, p.7), 'sappo' is "often danced as a continuation of Björkö polka"; according to Daley (1977, p.39), it is "often danced as a continuation to the Koiviston polska". With the publication of Tanhuvakka. in 1977, the name of the dance was changed from the earlier 'sappo' to 'pilkutin'. As taught by Martti Vanhapelto, in Portland 1987.
Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ 'pilkutin' in: Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 53-54..
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ 'pilkutin' Tanhuvakka. Porvoo: W Söderström Oy, 1977. pp. 282-283.
-- Väisänen, Yrjö/ Nr 98 in: Kisapirtti: 125 suomalaista kansantanssia. Porvoo: Werner Söderström
Oy, [1962]. pp. 116-117.
-- Collan, Anni/ nr 2 'sappo' in: Suomalainen kisapirtti. 4 painos. Helsinki: V. Söderström, 1946. pp. 20-24.
-- Heikkilä, Sari (ed.)/ 'pilkutin' Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1988. pp. 28-30.
-- Komulainen, Orvokki (ed.)/ 'sappo' Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät r.y., 1973. pp.31-34.
-- Daley, Susanna 'sappo' in: Stockton Folk Dance Camp/
Syllabus of dance descriptions 1977.
Stockton, CA: Stockton Folk Dance Camp, 1976. pp. 39-40, & Errata p. 4.
-- Burchenal, Elizabeth (trans.)/ 'sappo' in: Folk-dances of Finland,
containing sixty-five dances.... New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 1915. pp. 4-7.
-- Rausma, Pirkko-Liisa 'Sappo-tanssin arvoitus' Uusi kansanmusiikki 1994 (issue 1).
Description: Laine Ruus, in Portland 1987-10-10 to 11.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-01-06, rev. 2023-03-21.
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