Sappu Säkkijärveltä

Country: Säkkijärvi, Etelä-Karjala, Finland
Type: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille, couple 1 has back to the music, couple 2 stands to the left of couple 1, couple 3 faces couple 1, and couple 4 stands to the right of couple 1. Holding inside hands, free fists on hips.
Steps: step-hop
Music: (CD) Pelimannikilta Katrillaten 1, track 15.

    Dance progression
1-4 1 (a) Sappu: Head W advance to opposite M, passing on the L (ie passing R shoulders), 2 step-hops (1),
take courtesy hold and turn one-half turn CW on the spot, 2 step-hops (2),
return to own partner, passing on the R (ie passing L shoulders), 2 step-hops (3).
Head M take partner in courtesy hold and turn CCW, 2 step-hops (4).
1-4   Side couples repeat (1 (a)).
5-12   (b) Kättely: all dance R-hand chain around set and return to place. 16 step-hops (5-11).
Take waltz hold with partner and turn CW on the spot, 2 step-hops (12).
|:1-4:| 2 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Paripyörintä: All take waltz hold with partner, and dance 8 step-hops turning CW in place, and 8 step-hops turning CCW in place.
|:1-4:| 3 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Piiri: All make closed circle, and dance 8 step-hops moving CW, swinging arms in and out. Ditto moving CCW, 8 step-hops.
|:1-4:| 4 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Poikien yhden käden risti: All M form R-hand star (taking wrist in front), and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Change to L-hand star, and dance 8 step-hops moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 5 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Tyttö yhden käden risti: All W form R-hand star (taking wrist in front), and dance 8 step-hops moving CW. Change to L-hand star, and dance 8 step-hops moving CCW.
|:1-4:| 6 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
5-12   (b) Kättely: Repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 7 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Poikien haaloo: All M advance to next W to R (ie CCW in set) with 2 step-hops, take waltz hold, and turn CW on the spot, 2 step-hops (13-14). Repeat with next W to R in set (15-16). Repeat 2 more times to return to place (17-20). Meanwhile, W stay in place.
|:1-4:| 8 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Tyttöjen haaloo: All W advance to next M to L (ie CW in set) with 2 step-hops, take waltz hold, and turn CW on the spot, 2 step-hops (5-6). Repeat with next M to L in set (7-8). Repeat 2 more times to return to place (9-12). Meanwhile, M stay in place.
|:1-4:| 9 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
5-12   (b) Kättely: Repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:| 10 (a) Sappu: repeat (1 (a)).
13-20   (b) Ruusu: all make closed circle and dance 8 step-hops moving CW in circle (13-16).
M join hands. W sit on joined hands. M dance 8 step-hops, moving CW in circle (17-20).
Alternatively, repeat (3 (b).

Summary of figures
Figure a Figure b English descr
  1a Sappu 1b Kättely R-hand chain
  2a Sappu 2b Paripyörintä Couple turn CW & CCW
  3a Sappu 3b Piiri Circle CW & CCW
  4a Sappu 4b Poikien risti M R-hand star, L-hand star
  5a Sappu 5b Tyttöjen risti W R-hand star, L-hand star
  6a Sappu 6b Kättely R-hand chain
  7a Sappu 7b Poikien haaloo M turn with all W, moving CCW
  8a Sappu 8b Tyttöjen haaloo W turn with all M, moving CW
  9a Sappu 9b Kättely R-hand chain
10a Sappu 10b Ruusu Circle CW [& CCW]

See also YouTube videos 1, and 2 (at 16:04)

Source: taught by Martti Vanhapelto, in Vancouver, 1988-03-25 to 26.
Printed sources: Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko Tanhuvakka. Porvoo: W Söderström, 1977. pp.253-255.
    Rausmaa, Esko Tanhuvakka: Suomen perinnetanssit - toimittanut. s.l.: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp. 228-229.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1988-03.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-01-08 rev. 2019-05-24.

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