Country: Karelia, Finland
Sheet music:
(1) Junno, Sauli, Viola Malmi & Rauni Riikonen/ Leikkilipas. Leikkejä ja tansseja Karjalasta ja Suomesta.
s.l.:Ilias Oy, 2003. p.84.
(2) Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto & Helkanuorten Liitto seni 2017.
Jagujalga - karjalaisia kansantansseja;
National Orchestra 'Ach vui seni moi seni' [Internet Archive];
Osipov, D. 'Ach vui seni moi seni' [Internet Archive].
Seni, Kostamus, Karelia, Russia
Type: set dance Formation: 2 couples facing, holding inside (MR/WL) hands (low down) with partner Steps: polkuaa (stamp), jalan heilautukset (step-swing), puolijuoksu (between a walk and a run, with 'soft' knees). |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | Stamps: Couples form closed circle. With R foot, all stamp 8 times on
the spot.
[Ala-Jukuri taught this as stamp R foot crossed in front of L (1:1), close R to L (1:3). Repeat with opposite footwork (2). Repeat 3 times.] |
1-8 | (b) | Circle: In closed circle, 8 running steps CW (1-4). Ditto CCW (5-8).
[Ala-Jukuri taught this with pumping joined hands up and down in time to music.] |
1-4 | (c) | Arches: Holding inside (MR/WL) hands with partner, couple 1 forms arch advancing with 4 running steps to opposite place, couple 2 passes under it (1-2) advancing to opposite place. All turn individually towards partner to face into set, and change to 'new' inside (ML/WR) hands. Repeat, with couple 2 forming the arch (3-4), 4 running steps. |
5-8 | Repeat (b), 8 running steps. | |
1-8 | (d) | Step-swing & cpl turn: All dance 2 step-swings, beginning on L foot and swinging R (1-2).
Take waltz hold with partner, turn one-half turn CW, 4 walking steps (3-4). Repeat step-swings and turn CCW (5-8).
Alternatively, take R-elbow hook with partner and dance CW, 8 running steps (1-4). Ditto CCW with L-elbow hook (5-8), 8 running steps.[Savilampi workshop syllabus] |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
See videos with/from Suistamon laulujuhlilla Jyväskylässä 2017, for Barnlek 2017, Lempäälän Helkanuoret 2013. Also off-line video from Finnfest 2010 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON.
Provenance: taught by Irene Ala-Jukuri, at Finnfest 2010 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON. 'Seni' is a Russian word meaning 'entrance hall'.
Seni - with variations
Type: set dance Formation: 2 couples facing, holding inside hands (low) with partner Steps: polkuaa (stamp), jalan heilautukset (step-swing), puolijuoksu (between a walk and a run, with 'soft' knees). |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | 1 (a) | Stamp: Couples form closed cirle. All stamp R foot 8 times, on the spot. |
1-8 | (b) | Circle: Form closed circle, 8 running steps CW. Ditto CCW. |
1-4 | 2 (a) | Arches: Couple 1 forms arch, couple 2 runs through it,
couples changing place with 4 running steps. All turn towards partnerr to face into set, and change to new inside hands.
Couples return to place, with couple 2 forming the arch. 4 running steps. |
5-8 | Repeat (2 a). 8 running steps. Finish facing partner, with 2-hand hold. | |
1-8 | (b) | Step-swing & change places: All step R, swing L (1), then step L swing R (2),
and change places with partner, turning one-half turn CW with 4 running steps (3-4).
Repeat (2 b), turning CCW with partner to return to place. Finish in open waist-shoulder hold with partner facing opposite couple. |
1-8 | 3 (a) | Advance & retire: Advance 4 running steps (1-2) with stamp on
(2 &), and retire ditto (3-4) with stamp on (4 &).
Repeat (3 a). Finish in waltz hold with partner. |
1-8 | (b) | Couple turn: Turn CW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (1-2).
Turn W under joined ML/WR hands to finish in place (3-4), W dancing 4 running steps.
Turn CCW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (5-6). Turn W under joined hands to finish in place (7-8), W dancing 4 running steps. |
1-8 | 4 (a) | Reel of 4: All dance reel of 4, M 'cutting' the reel in the centre, passing to the R. 16 running steps. Finish in place. |
1-8 | (b) | Couple turn: Turn CW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (1-2). Turn W
under joined ML/WR hands to finish in place (3-4), W dancing 4 running steps.
Turn CCW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (5-6). Turn W under joined hands to finish in place (7-8), W dancing 4 running steps. |
1-8 | 5 (a) | Stamp: All stamp R foot 8 times, on the spot (ie. repeat 1 a).. |
1-8 | (b) | Elbow hook turn: Take R elbow hold with partner, turn CW on the spot 8 running steps.
Take L elbow hold with partner, turn CCW on the spot, 8 running steps. |
1-8 | 6 (a) | Chain: All dance R-hand chain, 16 running steps. |
1-8 | (b) | Couple turn: Turn CW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (1-2).
Turn W under joined ML/WR hands to finish in place (3-4), W dancing 4 running steps.
Turn CCW on the spot with partner, 4 running steps (5-6). Turn W under joined hands to finish in place (7-8), W dancing 4 running steps. Source: YouTube video Purpurit Finnish Follkdancers, Vancouver, BC for FinnWest 2011 (at 4:03). |
Seni mixer
Type: mixer Formation: double circle of couples, partners facing, M in outside circle facing into circle, W in inside circle facing out. Steps: kävelyä (walk) |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-4 | (a) | Clapping sequence: Couples clap own hands (1), partner's R hand (&), own hands (2), partner's L hand (&), own hands (3), both partner's hands (&), own hands twice (4). |
5-8 | (b) | Couple turn: In waltz hold, turn CW on the spot (5-6), 4 walking steps.
W turns CW under ML/WR arm (7-8), and moves in LOD (CCW) to next M (=new partner), 4 walking steps.
See off-line video SEQ02 from Finnfest 2010 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Source: taught by Irene Ala-Jukuri, at Finnfest 2010 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON |
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