Schottis i turer

Country: Finland and Sweden
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, facing in LOD, open waist-shoulder hold, free hands on hips
Steps: step-hops, run, schottis. NB: all sequences start with ML/WR foot.
Music: any moderate speed, old-time schottis of appropriate length.

    Dance progression
|:1-4:| (1) Beginning with outside foot (ML/WR), all dance 16 step-hops forward in LOD.
Finish in waltz hold, M facing in LOD, W in RLOD.
|:5-8:| (2) Dance 2 schottis steps moving in LOD, ie M forwards and W backwards (5-6), followed by turning CW and moving in LOD, 4 step-hops (7-8).
Repeat (2).
|:1-4:| (3) Holding R-hands with partner, M facing LOD and W facing RLOD, dance 2 schottis steps forward, moving in LOD, ie M forwards and W backwards (1-2).
W turns CW under joined R arms, moving forward, with 4 step-hops, while M dances 4 step-hops forward (3-4)
Repeat (3).
|:5-8:| (4) M folds arms across chest, W places hands on hips.M dances 2 schottis steps travelling forward in LOD, while W dances same moving backwards in LOD, but facing partner (5-6).
Take closed waist-shoulder hold with partner, and dance 4 step-hops, turning CW, and moving in LOD (7-8).
Repeat (4).
|:1-4:| (5) M has arms folded on chest, W hands on hips. M dances 2 schottis steps forward in LOD, while W dances 2 schottis steps moving CCW around partner (1-2).
Take closed waist-shoulder hold with partner, and dance 4 step-hops, turning CW, and moving in LOD (3-4).
Repeat (5).
|:5-8:| (6) Holding arms crossed behind, dance 3 step-hops diagonally into centre of circle (5 & 6), and putting inside heel forward to the floor on last beat (&).
Turning 1/2 turn CW on first step, dance 3 step-hops diagonally out of cirdle (7 & 8), and outside heel to the floor (&).
Repeat (6).
|:1-4:| (7) Holding inside hands with partner, M goes down on R knee, and W dances 2 schottis teps moving CCW around partner (1-2).
Holding inside hands at shoulder height, dance 4 step-hops forward in LOD (3-4).
Repeat (7).
|:5-8:| (8) In open waist-shoulder hold with partner, and facing in LOD, both dance 1 schottis step forward while W does one full turn passing from M's R side to his L side, ending in reverse waist-shoulder hold (5). Repeat to return W to M's R side (6).
Take closed waist-shoulder hold with partner, and dance 4 step-hops, turning CW, and moving in LOD (7-8).
Repeat (8). On last bar (8) M lifts W from his L side and places her on his R side.

Source: taught by Martti Vanhapelto in Portland OR, 1987-10-10 to 11.
Note: this is a Finnish version of the Swedish "schottis i turer" in Beskrivning av svenska folkdanser 1933, 2001 ed. pp. 89, 90, 91.
Description: Laine Ruus, Vancouver, 1987-10.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-01-09, rev. 2017-06-12.

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