Suhmuran Santra

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, waltz hold, M facing in LOD, W facing in RLOD
Steps: waltz

    Dance progression
1-8 1 (a) Couples dance 4 waltz steps in LOD (M forwards, W backwards) beginning ML/WR, followed by 4 turning waltz steps.
1-8 (b) Change to R hand in R hand, M dance forward with 8 waltz steps, W turn under joind hands (CW), 2 waltz steps per turn. 8 waltz steps. Finish with M backs into centre of circle, dropping hand-hold.
9-16 (c) M bow (9-10), W curtsey (11-12). Take R hand in R hand, dance 4 waltz steps once around each other CW.
9-16 (d) Holding inside hands, and beginning with MR/WL, and swinging arms alternately forward and back with each bar of music, dance 6 waltz steps in LOD, and on last 2 bars, W turns CW and M turns CCW away from each other with 2 waltz steps.
1-8 2 (a) Two-hand hold with partner, dance twice round on the spot, 8 waltz steps.
1-8 (b) Take R hand in R hand with partner, dance two times round on the spot, 8 waltz steps. Finish with M and W both facing out (W turn 1/2 turn CW to face out), W in front, and M behind with hands on partner's shoulders.
9-16 (c) Dance 4 waltz steps out of circle, both turn CCW (over L shoulder) to face into circle, and dance another 4 waltz step back to place. This time W are behind M, with hands on M's shoulders.
9-16 (d) M turn CW to face out of circle, facing partner. Take inside hands. Repeat 1 (d).
9-16 (e) Take waltz hold. 8 turning waltz steps in LOD. finish in open waist-shoulder hold facing in LOD.
1-8 3 (a) With 2 waltz steps, M moves partner from R to L side, W turning one full turn CCW to face forward in LOD again. Repeat, moving W from man's L to man's R side, 2 waltz steps. Repeat 3 (a). 8 waltz steps.
1-8 (b) Still in open waist-shoulder hold, 4 waltz steps forward in LOD, followed by two full turns CCW (M backwards, W forwards) on the spot, 4 waltz steps. Finish with M facing out of circle, W facing in, closed waist-shoulder hold.
9-16 (c) Lean forward, R ears together (9-10), then L ears together (11-12). Slip out into 2-hand hold, swing joined arms first to MR/WL, then to ML/WR (one swing per bar), and dancing waltz steps in place. Repeat, for a total of 4 swings. 8 waltz steps.
9-16 (d) Change to holding inside hands. Repeat 1 (d).
1-8 4 (a) M facing out of circle, W facing in, with two-hand hold, 1 waltz step towards partner with arms moving into butterfly hold, 1 waltz step away with arms returning to stretched forward. Repeat. 4 walts steps.
Swing arms again, this time starting to ML/WR, then to MR/WL, and dancing waltz steps in place. Repeat. 4 walts steps.
1-8 (b) Still facing out of circle, 4 waltz steps out of circle, (W moving backwards) followed by 4 waltz steps back in to place (M moving backwards)
9-16 (c) Dance 4 pancake turns, 2 waltz steps per turn, moving in LOD. 8 waltz steps.
9-16 (d) Change to holding inside hands. Repeat 1 (d).
9-16 (e) Waltz hold, dance 8 turning waltz steps in LOD. Dance finishes with W turning once round under joined ML/WR hands on last waltz steps.

Source: video prepared for FinnThunder combined dances, Thunder Bay, July 2012.
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-05-15

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