
    Dance progression
|:1-4:||:5-8:| 1 (a) Piiri: All take front basket hold (R arm over, L arm under), and dance 16 buzz steps moving CW. Change to front basket with R arm under and L arm over, and dance 16 reverse buzz steps moving CCW.
|:1-4:|   (b) Paikanvaihto: Head couples take front cross hold (promenade hold), change places with 4 two-steps (beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot), passing on the right (ie L shoulders). At opposite place, turn CCW and repeat to return to original place..
|:5-8:|   Side couples repeat (1 (b)).
|:1-4:||:5-8:| 2 (a) Piiri: Repeat (1 (a)).
1-4   (b) Pujottelu: Couple 1 approaches couple 2. W1 dances between M2 and W2, behind M2 (flirting), and back into the set between M2 and W3. Meanwhile M1 dances forward to meet partner. Total 4 two-steps.
1-4   Couple 1 takes 2-hand hold and dances CCW on the spot with 4 two-steps.
5-8   W1 dances between M3 and W3, behind M3 (flirting), and back into the set between M3 and W4. Meanwhile M1 dances forward to meet partner. Total 4 two-steps.
5-8   Couple 1 takes 2-hand hold and dances CCW on the spot with 4 two-steps.
1-4   W1 dances between M4 and W4, behind M4 (flirting), and back into the set between M4 and original place. Meanwhile M1 dances forward to meet partner in original place. Total 4 two-steps.
1-4   Couple 1 takes 2-hand hold and dances CCW on the spot with 4 two-steps. Finish in original place.
|:5-8:||:1-4:||:5-8:|   Couple 2 repeats (2 (b)).
|:1-4:||:5-8:||:1-4:|   Couple 3 repeats (2 (b)).
|:5-8:||:1-4:||:5-8:|   Couple 4 repeats (2 (b)).
|:1-4:||:5-8:| 3 (a) Piiri: Repeat (1 (a)).
|:1-4:||:5-8:|   (b) Kättely: All dance R-hand chain to 7th person, turn, and chain back to place.
|:1-4:||:5-8:| 4 (a) Piiri: Repeat (1 (a)).
|:1-4:||:5-8:|   (b) Portit: Couples 4, 3, and 2 crouch down. Couple 1 makes an arch with inside hands and dances CCW around the set, passing over couples 4, 3, and 2 in order. As each couple is passed, it rises, takes inside hands and follows couple 1. When couple 1 etc has returned to place it crouches in turn, as do remaining couples, until all 4 couples are back in place.
|:1-4:||:5-8:| 5     Hoppavalssi: All 4 couples dance hoppavalssi, turning CW and moving CCW around the set.

Source: taught by Turun Kansantanssin Ystävät in Vancouver, April 1984.
Printed sources:

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2019-02-27

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