
Country: Kimito, Åboland, Finland
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples, W-hold at shoulder height, all facing centre of circle
Steps: varvashyppely (kick-step), walk
Music: 3/4-time, ♩=84, (CD) Finlands Svenska Folkdansring Årsprogram 2001-2002 track 20, Tavallisen taajaan track 28.

    Dance progression
|:1-4:| (a) Tervehdykset: All swivel on heels to face partner and curtsey/bow to partner (1) while maintaining closed circle hold, then swivel on heels to face corner and curtsey/bow (2). Repeat 3 times (3-4, 1-4).
5-10 (b) Varvashyppelyä vastakkain: M guides partner forwards into circle so that W finishes facing out of circle, M facing in. With fists on hips, all dance 18 varvarhyppely, beginning leaping onto L foot and kicking R foot forwards.
11-12   All clap, take two-hand hold with partner, and turn CW on the spot, 4 walking steps.
Finish with W to L of partner, ie as new corner. [All W have progressed 1 M in RLOD.]
    Repeat as desired with new partner each time.

Song text (Finnish)
:Hei vaan, nyt tahdothan
sä käydä kanssani leikkiin:
:Tippa tippa tippa tippa tippa tei:
tippa tippa tippa tippa tippa tej
käydä kanssani leikkiin.


Song text (Swedish)
:Vill du, så vill och jag.
Så ska' vi dansa med tippan.:
Tipu tipu tipu tipu tipu tej.
Tipu tipu tipu tipu tipu tej.
Tipu tipu tipu tipu tipu tej.
Tra-la-lal la-la-lal-la.

Source: taught by Turun Kansantanssin Ystävät in Vancouver, April 1984.
Printed sources:

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-02-03, rev. 2019-03-01

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