Titityy jenkka/Talgoxen/Ålandsschottis

Country: Finland, Norway, Sweden
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples, all facing centre of circle
Steps: jenkka (schottis promenade step)
Sheet music: (1) SEL01678; (2) C-instruments) (comp. Orvokki Ramsi); (3) Varsinais-Suomen Kansanmusiikkiyhdistys (VSKamu)
Recordings: Aitomäen Pelimannit [YouTube]; Hahn, Gunnar et al Skandia track A5; Svartlösa [YouTube]; Tillgren , Stefan & Peter Kellersson [YouTube]; unattributed [YouTube].

    Version I
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) All circle CW with 8 schottis steps.
1-4 (b) All advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (1-2). Retire ditto (3-4).
5-8   All W advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (5-6). Retire ditto (7-8).
[or 9-16]
  All M advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (9-10), forming closed circle with shoulder hold, and dance CW. 6 schottis steps (11-16). Meanwhile W dance 8 schottis steps on the spot.
Finish with M turning over L shoulder, and taking side-cross hold position (aka "skater's position") with nearest available W.
9-16 (c) All dance in LOD, 8 schottis steps. On last measure, form closed circle, with W on M's R side.
[In Norway, these last bars are danced like any couple schottis or reinlendar, with promenade and turning steps.]
    Repeat from (b) as desired.
    Version II
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) All advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (1-2). Retire ditto (3-4).
5-8   All W advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (5-6). Retire ditto (7-8).
1-8   All M advance towards centre with 2 schottis steps (1-2), forming closed circle with shoulder hold, and dance CW. 6 schottis steps (3-8). Meanwhile W dance 8 schottis steps on the spot.
Finish with M turning over L shoulder, and taking side-cross hold position (aka "skater's position") with nearest available W.
[or |:9-16:|]
(b) All dance in LOD, 8 schottis steps. On last measure, form closed circle, with W on M's R side.
[In Norway, these last bars are danced like any couple schottis or reinlendar, with promenade and turning steps, 4 times.]
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube videos with Ålandsschottis w Folkedanslaget SpringarĀ“n, Dans på stora torget i Norrtälje 2012, Folkets Park Oskarshamn, Village Folk Orchestra.

-- Skandia Music Foundation 1995
-- Folk Dance Federation of California, Inc. 1994
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2013-02-03, rev. 2021-11-14.

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