Tuusteppi tuuterista

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, arms crossed begind.
Steps: humppa, pas-de-bas, walk
Music: any two-step in moderate tempo

    Dance progression
1-8 (a) Forward and back: All beginning with R foot, turn 1/2 turn CCW to face RLOD with 2 humppa steps, first back then forward (1-2).
All dance backwards in LOD with 4 walking steps (3-4).
Repeat humppa steps (dancing 1st humppa step backwards) to face LOD (5-6) and dance backwards in RLOD with 4 walking steps (7-8).
1-8   Repeat (a). Finish in open circle, M facing out, W facing in.
9-16 (b) Pas-de-bas and change places: Dance 2 pas-de-bas, beginning stepping onto R foot and swinging L (9-10).
Both spin twice CW (over R shoulder) while changing places passing on R, 4 walking steps (11-12). Repeat to return to place (13-16).
9-16   Repeat (b).
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

Source: Taught by Antti Savilampi at Oriveden tanhukurssi, Murikka, Dec. 27-30, 2019
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-01-14

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