Vanha valssi 156

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples. M has back to centre of circle, W faces into centre of circle.
Steps: grapevine, waltz
Music: any waltz with moderate tempo and a multiple of 64 bars.

    Dance progression
1-4 (a) Holding ML/WR hands, W turns CCW under the joined hands (1-2) with 2 waltz steps, and does a courtsey (3-4) to partner.
5-8   Holding MR/WL hands, M turns CCW under the joined hands (5-6) with 2 waltz steps, and bows (7-8) to partner.
1-8   In waltz hold, M steps back with L foot (1), then forward with R foot (8), while W dances forward, then backwards, with opposite footwork. The couple then dances 2 waltz steps turning one-half turn CW on the spot, ending with W facing out of circle and M facing into circle (3-4).
Repeat (5-8) to finish in place.
9-16 (b) Holding MR/WL hands, W dances 6 waltz steps CCW around partner.
W turns CCW under joined hands (15-16) to finish facing partner.
9-16   Holding ML/WR hands, M dances 6 waltz steps CCW around partner.
M turns CCW under joined hands (15-16) to finish facing partner.
1-4 (c) Holding inside hands (MR/WL), facing partner, and beginning with ML/WR foot, dance grapevine steps for 2 waltz measures (1-2) moving in LOD (M: step L to L (1:1), cross R in front (1:2), step L to L (1:3), cross R behind (2:1), etc; W dances same but opposite footwork).
Drop handhold, and dance 2 waltz steps turning from partner on the spot (M turning CCW, W turning CW) (3-4).
Finish in waltz hold, M facing out of circle, W facing in.
5-8 In waltz hold, dance two sidesteps in LOD (5-6). With 2 waltz steps, W turns under joined ML/WR hands (7-8).
Finish with M facing in RLOD, W facing in LOD, still in waltz hold.
1-8   Dance 8 turning waltz steps, turning CW and moving in LOD.
9-16 (d) Holding inside hands (MR/WL) and moving in LOD, hop onto outside foot kicking inside foot forward, followed by 2 walking steps (M: hop onto L kicking R (9:1), R (9:2), L (9:3); W dances same but opposite footwork).
Repeat with opposite footwork (10).
Turn one full turn away from partner (M turns CCW, W turns CW on the spot) with 1 waltz step (11).
Holding outside hands (ML/WR), W continues under joined hands as M moves behind W to her R side, 1 waltz step (12).
Repeat with opposite footwork to finish in place (13-16).
9-16 (e) Take waltz hold, and dance 8 turning waltz steps, turning CW and moving in LOD.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

Provenance: choreographed by Pia Pyykkinen
Source: Originally taught by Kasareikka Folkdansgrupp in Stockholm. Taught to Toronto Swedish Folkdancers & Singers at a visit in Sudbury, August 2011.
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-09-13, rev. 2012-09-25

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