Skottis, Svarfaðardal

Country: Svarfaðardalur, Island/Iceland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, side by side in side crossed hold position, facing LOD.
Steps: chassé (two-step), walk
Sheet music: skottís or any schottis with moderate tempo and appropriate structure.

Bars Part Dance progression
1-4 (a) Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 4 chassé steps forward in LOD.
[Note: Icelandic language instructions specify begin with outside foot. Danish language instructions specify begin with L foot.]
5-6 (b) Couples take R-in-R hand hold, and dance one-half turn CW, 4 walking steps.
7-8   Couples take L-in-L hand hold, and dance one-half turn CCW, 4 walking steps.
    Part B may also be danced such that M remains in place while W turns CW under joined ML/WR arms (5-6), 4 walking steps. Ditto CCW (7-8), 4 walking steps.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video.

Note: this wass one of the combined dances for Nordlek 1997 in Vasa.

Source: an Icelandic description and Danish translation prepared for Nordlek 1997.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-08-20.

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