Tvísporaræll frá Ólafsvîk

Country: Island
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples, open circle, varsouvienne hold, facing in LOD.
Steps: chassé
Sheet music: Gamli rællinn

Bars Part Dance progression
1 (a) All dance 1 chassé diagonally forward L, beginning with L foot.
2   All dance 1 chassé diagonally forward R, beginning with R foot.
3 (b) Touch L foot diagonally forward to L (3:1). Close feet (3:3) while turning 1/2 turn to R.
4   Touch R foot diagonally forward to R (4:1). Close feet (4:3) while turning 1/2 turn to L.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

Note: this was one of the combined dances for Nordlek 1985 in Åbo.

Source: description in Danish prepared for Nordlek 1985 p. 6.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-04-20.

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