Undir bláum sólarsali

Country: Iceland
Type: mixer
Formation: any number of couples in closed circle, L hand on top, R hand underneath.
Steps: chassé (change step), side-step, step-swing, vikivaka, walk.
Sheet music: Lysthúskvæði lyrics by Eggert Ólafsson (1726-1768) & comp. Bjarni Þorsteinsson (1929); Lysthúskvæði with lyrics, 1750s, published 1832.
Recordings: Ólafsson, Davið Undir bláum sólarsali [YouTube]; Smárakvintettinn i Reykjavik Undir bláum sólarsali [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression
1-6 (a) All dance 4 vikivaki steps, moving CW in circle.
7-8 (b) All dance 1 vikivaki step. On the last bar, all W advance to centre, turning one full turn CW, with 3 walking steps (R L R).
Meanwhile, all M step backwards, lift and lower. Then one chassé to L, lift and lower.
Finish with all W in closed inner circle, facing centre, each with own arms crossed R arm over L, M in open outside circle, facing centre, hands on hips or hanging.
9-10   All dance one sidestep to L, step to R, lift and lower (9), M stayring behind partner]. W lift their arms, turn half-way CW under own R arm (on R foot) to face out of the circle (10).
11-12   Giving R hand to partner, all change places with partner, passing on the left, with 1 chassé, walk, walk (L close-R L, R, L).
Finish with all M in inner circle facing centre, own arms crossed R over L. All W turn CCW to face centre, and form closed outer circle.
13-15   All dance 2 vikivaki steps, moving CW in circle [W staying behind partner].
16   All dance 1 sidestep to L, lift and lower. On last beats, M lift their arms, turn half-way CW under own R arm (on R foot) to face out of the circle (10).
17-18   Giving R hand to partner, all change places with partner, passing on the left, with 1 chassé, walk, walk (L close-R L, R, L). M turn CCW to face centre; W turn CCW to face out of circle.
19-20   Giving R hand to partner, all couples turn CW [W turn a half-turn on the spot, M a full turn passing in front of partner to finish to R of partner], 4 walking steps.
Finish all facing centre, with M's previous partner on his L and new partner on his R.
    Repeat from (a) as desired. Note: song has 12 verses = 11 repetitions.
See YouTube videos: 1, 2 and 3.

This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 2018 in Falun.

Source: material prepared for Nordlek 2018, including Danish language description by Dr. Sigriður Valgeirsdóttir provided with permission, sheet music and video.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville 2017-10-24, rev. 2021-06-30 (with input from P. Renzland)

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