Bjældeklang/Jingle bells, as couple dance & quadrille

Type: set dance
Sheet music: comp by James Lord Pierpoint, USA, 1852
(1) Jingle bells variations,
(2) lø Jingle bells/Bjældeklang,
(3) Folkets Hus Spillefolk Bjældeklang/Jingle bells [sheet music and lyrics in Danish]

    Bjældeklang - couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples "as many as may", varsovienne hold, facing LOD
Steps: chassé (change step), sideløbstrin (slip step)
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Promenade: Couples dance 8 change steps, in LOD.
1-8   Still in varsovienne hold, all face out of set, and dance 16 slip steps, moving in LOD.
Finish in double circle facing partner, ie M facing out of circle, W facing in.
9-12 (b) Clap & turn: All clap own hands 3 times (9), clap R hands with partner 3 times (10), clap L hands with partner 3 times (11), and take 2-hand hold with partner (12).
13-16   Couples turn CW, on the spot, 4 change steps.
9-16   Repeat (b), but turning CCW on the spot.
Repeat from (a) as desired.

See video from/with Herlev Gamle Danse 2022

Provenance: unknown at time of writing. Possibly a Danish choreography.

Source: video from Herlev Gamle Danse 2022
See also:
-- comment (2021) at end of Lø Jingle bells/Bjældeklang [in Danish]

    Bjældeklang - quadrille
Formation: 4 couple quadrille. Head couples (couples 1 and 2) respectively have their backs to or face the music. Side couples (couples 3 and 4) stand to the R respectively of couples 1 and 2. W stands to R of M.
Steps: hurretrin (buzz step), gangtrin (walk)
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) Figuré: Head couples advance, 4 walking steps. Retire ditto.
5-8   Head couples dos-à-dos around opposite. 8 walking steps.
1-4   M1 with W2 and M2 with W1 take waltz hold and swing, 8 buzz steps.
M1 & W2 finish facing couple 4, while M2 and W1 finish facing couple 3.
5-8   M1 & W2 pass through couple 4, part and return to original place. M2 & W1 meanwhile pass through couple 3 and return to original place. 8 walking steps.
9-12 (b) W progress: Couples 1 and 2 dos-à-dos with partner, 8 walking steps.
13-16   All couples take waltz hold with corner (= new partner) and swing, 8 buzz steps.
9-16   All couples take front crossed hold with new partner and promenade CW [sic] once round the set, 16 walking steps.
All M finish in original place with a new partner.
    Repeat from (a) 3 times. When the music repeats the first time, it is again M1 and M2 with their current partners who dance part (a). In the 2nd and 3rd repeats, it is M3 and M4 with their current partners who dance part (a).

Provenance: unknown at time of writing.

Source: Lø Jingle bells/Bjældeklang,

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-12-10, rev. 2023-08-19.

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