Madamoiselle Dupingle

  • Country: England
  • Type: longways progressive set "for as many as will".
  • Formation: longways set, M on R seen from the front, W on L, [May be numbered couple 1, 2, 1, 2 from the front of the set.]
  • Step: menuet: step (danced over 2 bars):R (1:1) touch L (1:2) L (1:3) R (2:1) L (2:2) touch R (2:3). Note all steps begin with R foot.
  • Music: < >

        Dance progression:
    1-8 (a) Couples 1 and 2 form closed circle and dance CW (ie 4 hands round)(1-6), 3 minuet steps. Each dancer turns individually CCW in place with 1 minuet step (7-8).
    1-8   Couples 1 and 2 repeat (a) to return to place, circle moving CCW, and turning CW individually. 4 minuet steps.
    9-16 (b) Couple 1 casts off, behind couple 2, meets below couple 2, with 2 minuet steps (9-12), and turns one full turn with 2-hand hold, 2 minuet steps (13-16).
    9-16   Couple 1 leads down through 3rd couple, 2 minuet steps (9-12), then casts up to below the 2nd couple, with 2 minuet steps (13-16).
        Repeat from (a) as desired.
    On the next repeat, couple 1 dances with the 3rd couple, and in (b), leads down through the 4th couple.
        This description clearly intends that couple 1 dances down through the whole set, dancing with each couple in turn. There is no indication when couple 2 becomes a new couple 1, and follows the original couple 1 down the set, but it would make sense to do so once couple 1 has passed on to dance with the 5th couple.
    Alterrnatively, all couple 1s could begin dancing simultaneously, in which case, they would, in (b), lead down through the 4th couple (since the 3rd couple is another active couple), and cast up around that couple.

    [Note: this is my interpretation of the 1st of two alternative dances John Playford describes. Other interpretations as possible.]
    Source: Playford, John The dancing master vol. 3. John Young (publ.), 1726 <>
    Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-10-26

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