Country: Estonia
Type: mixer
Formation: closed circle of couples.
Steps: tyrolervals, waltz
Music: any waltz with a moderate tempo, and AABB phrasing.
Dance progression: | ||
1-4 | (a) | Beginning with ML/WR foot, all dance 2 tyrolervals steps, first towards corner (person on ML/WR side), then towards partner (1-2).
M then leads corner over to his R side, while W turns one full turn CW, with 2 waltz steps (3-4), to finish in closed circle with new partner. |
5-8, 1-8 | Repeat (a) three times. | |
9-12 | (b) | All dance 2 tyrolervals steps, as above (9-10).
M then turns one full turn CCW, with 2 waltz steps, to finish to L of corner in closed circle with new partner. |
13-16, 9-16 | Repeat (b) three times. | |
1-4 | (c) | All dance 2 tyrolervals steps, as above (1-2).
M then turns one full turn CCW, with 2 waltz steps, to finish to L of corner, while W turns CW under joined hands with corner (3-4). All finish in closed circle with new partner. |
5-8, 1-8 | Repeat (c) three times. | |
|:9-16:| | (d) | All dance 2 tyrolervals steps, as above (9-10).
Take waltz hold with current corner, and dance turning waltz around the set (11-16, 9-16). Note that M dances first turning waltz step backwards in RLOD. Finish in closed circle, with new partner. |
Repeat from (a) as desired. |
Source: taught by Sirje Peetsalu, Pärnu Estonia, in Toronto, 2011.
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-10-27
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