Feiar med vals

Country: Ringeriket, Norway
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, closed waist-shoulder hold
Steps: bytomfotsteg frå feiar (change step), gangsteg II (walk over 2 beats with lifts on 1:2 and 1:4), eintaktsnu frå feiar (pivot step), totaktssnu frå feiar, sluttsteg (step close), walk, waltz
Sheet music: Trondheimar or feiar med vals, eg after Tor Ødegaard, Vestfossen, in: Semb, Klara/ Norske folkedansar - turdansar. Oslo: Noregs Boklag/Det Norske Samlaget, 1991. pp. 200, 374-375.
Recordings: Egeland, Ånon & Susanne Lundeng Norske turdansar II frå Agder Og Nord-Norge track 23 [YouTube]; Grundstad, Aage Norske tur- og folkedanser track 6 [YouTube]. Holstebro Folkedanserforening Dansk og skandinavisk folkedans med Arne Bech track 23. Vårdal, Vegar mm 'Trondheimar frå Ringerike' Norske turdansar IV frå Austlandet track 04 [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
:1-8: (a) All take closed waist-shoulder hold with partner, and dance turning waltz moving in LOD. 16 waltz steps.
9-12 (b) Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, holding inside hands and moving in LOD, all couples dance 3 bytomfotsteg (9-11) followed by 2 walking steps (12).
9-12   All turn individually to face RLOD. Beginning with outside (MR/WL) foot, holding inside hands and moving in LOD, all couples dance 3 bytomfotsteg (9-11) followed by 2 walking steps (12)..
:13-16: (c) In open waist-shoulder hold, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 1/4 turn CCW with 1 bytomfotsteg (13).
Then take closed waist-shoulder hold, and dance 3 bytomfotsteg (totaktssnu) turning CW and moving in LOD (14-16), followed by 8 eintaktssnu (pivot steps), turning CW and moving in LOD.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video with Folkedanslaget SpringarĀ“n.

Provenance: dance description first published in Leikarvollen 1927:21. The same music is used for both a couple dance and a quadrille. In order to distinguish between the two dances, the couple dance was called 'feiar med vals' and the quadrille 'Trondheimar', or 'Bergenser' as it is also called, in the introduction to the 1952 edition of Klara Semb's Norske folkedansar - turdansar. In some variations, the waltz occurs at the beginning of the sequence, in others at the end.
Printed source: Semb, Klara/ Norske folkedansar - turdansar. Oslo: Noregs Boklag/Det Norske samlaget, 1991. pp. 200-201, 374-375.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-10-25, rev. 2021-08-29.

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