Ril frå Dønna

Country: , Norway
Type: set dance
Formation: sets of 2 couples facing, in closed circles, hands at shoulder height.
 -  bytomfotsteg frå hamborgar: two-step with 3 svikt over 4 beats, ie on (1:1), (1:2) and (1:3-4), etc.,
 -  figurersteg med eit trin (figurersteg II): hop onto L foot (1:1), hop onto R foot (1:3), etc.,
 -  gåsteg II: walk with 2 svikt per step, ie on (1:2) and (1:4), etc.,
Music: "No specific music has been transcribed for this dance, but there are some useable ril tunes in the [see published source]". Ie. any ril with appropriate structure and tempo.
Recordings: ril frå Dønna Norske Turdansar II frå Agder og Nord-Norge track 27.

    Dance progression
|:1-4:| 1 Ring: All begin with L foot and dance CW, 8 gåsteg II (walking steps) (1-4). Ditto CCW, 8 gåsteg II (1-4).
Finish by dropping hold, and facing partner, hands on hips with fingers forward and thum facing back.
|:5-8:| 2 Figurering: All begin with L foot, facing partner, and dance 4 bytomfotsteg (two-step) on the spot (5-8), moving a little side to side. Turn to face opposite, and dance 4 bytomfotsteg on the spot.
Alternatively, dance 7 figureresteg on the spot, first to partner, then to opposite.
Finish facing partner, arms at sides.
|:9-12:| 3 Dos-à-dos: All begin with L foot, and dance dos-à-dos CW around partner (9-12), 8 gåsteg II. Repeat (9-12).
|:13-16:| 4 Figurering: Repeat (2).
    Repeat from (1) as desired.
    The dance finishes with the last repeat of (1).

See videos : Folkedanslaget Springar'n, Folkepedia, Ålesund Spelemannslag

Provenance: Egil Bakka documented this dance based on information from Ingrid Hansen from Bjørn on Dønna in June of 1978.
Note: this was one of the combined dances for Nordlek 1994.
Published source: Bakka, Egil, Tormund Lunde & Dag Vårdal / Dansetradisjonar frå Nordland og Troms. Trondheim: Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans, 1984. pp. 31-32.
Also available in material prepared for Nordlek 1994.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-08-06.

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