Tretur frå Fana

Country: Fana, Hordaland, Norway
Type: set dance
Formation: 1 M and 2 W. M holds L-in-L hand with W to his L (WL), and R-in-R with W to his R (WR). The 2 W hold R-in-L behind M's back. Hands up over shoulder height. If there are 4 sets of 3 dancers, the sets face in a quadrille.
Steps: chassé, walk
Recordings: Aage Grundstad's Ensemble Norske tur- og folkedanser 2

    Dance progression
:1-8: (a) Advance and retire: All begin with L foot, and dance 4 small walking steps forward (1-2). Ditto backwards to return to place (3-4). Repeat 3 times (5-8,1-8).
|:9-16:| (b) Arches: Both W raise joined inside hands into an arch, and all begin with L foot. With a stamp on the first beat, M backs under the arch, and pulls WL under the arch, followed by WR, as he dances to his L around WL, moving his R arm over the heads of the 2 W. Finally M turns CW under his own R arm to return to place (9-12). 8 walking steps.
Repeat 3 times (13-16,9-16).
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

When first published, the dance description was for a set of 3 dancers only. In the introduction to the 1925 publication, Klara Semb wrote that the dance was described by Rasmus Hvidsten (1880-1959). According to Olga Breivik, from Fana, two different tunes have been used for the dance. There is also a reference by Sigmund Espeland to "Soldier's joy", which may have been traditionally used for the dance.

Source: Semb, Klara/Norske folkedansar - turdansar. Rev. ed. Oslo: Noregs Boklag/Det Norske Samlaget i smarbeid med Noregs Ungdomslag, 1991. pp. 138-140.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-02-09

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