Angläs, Skåne

Country: Skåne, Sweden
Formation: longways progressive set
Formation: any number of couples in 2 lines, M to R, W to L as seen from the music. Numbered 1-2-3-4 etc. from the music (top of the set).
Steps: walk
Sheet music: Wallin, Sonja & Börje/ Gamla danser i Skååne: engelskor. Helsingborg: s.n., 1976. pp. 20-21. [tunes from Nils Olsson, Pehr Christiansson, Ola Hansson, Blomgren, C.G. Malmberg, & Per Jönsson, all structured (AABB,A=B=4)]
Recordings: Skånes Spelmansförbund Skånelåtar för småspelmän track 19 [YouTube]; Skånes Spelmansförbund Skånelåtar för småspelmän track 32 [YouTube]; [or any ecossaise, anglaise or engelsk with (AABB,A=B=4) structure and appropriate tempo]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) One-hand star: Couples 1 and 2 form R-hand star, M1 holding hands with W2 and M2 holding hands with W1. Circle CW, 8 walking steps.
1-4   Repeat (a) in L-hand star, circling CCW, 8 walking steps.
5-8 (b) Promenade: M2 with W1 followed by M1 with W2, holding inside (ML/WR) hands, lead down the set, 8 walking steps.
At the bottom of the set couples turn, and M1 and M2 exchange partners and hold inside (MR/WL) hands with own partner. [Ie couple 2 leads up the set.]
5-8   M2 with W2, followed by M1 with W1 lead up the set, 8 walking steps.
[Finish on own side in order 2-1-3.]
    [When the dance repeats (from (a)), couple 1 dances with couple 3, while couple 2 rests. When couple 1 dances with couple 5, while couples 2 dances with couple 3. If there are many couples in the lines, every 3rd couple may start.]
Repeat from (a) until all couples have danced together, and couple 1 has returned to original place at the top of the set.

Provenance: actually an ecossaise. Originally published in Ungdomens bok (1879). The accompanying sheet music was taken from the notebook of Nils Olsson, Höganäs, Luggude Härad.
Source: Wallin, Sonja & Börje/ Gamla danser i Skåne: engelskor. Helsingborg: s.n., 1976. pp. 20-21.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2021-11-12.

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