Duke of Kent's waltz

Country: Sweden
Type: longways progressive set dance
Formation: couples in longways set. W stand to L as seen from music, M to R, facing partner. Couples numbered 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. from top of set.
Steps: balancé, sidestep, walk, waltz
Music: <http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/folk-music-mandolin-tab/pdf/duke_of_kents_waltz.pdf>

    Dance progression
1-4 (1) Couples 1 and 2 form R-hand star (taking R in R hand with person opposite), and dance CW, 4 waltz steps.
5-8   Couples 1 and 2 turn to R (CW), form L hand star (taking L in L hand with person opposite), and dance CCW, 4 waltz steps.
1-8 (2) Couple 1 takes 2-hand hold, and dances 2 sidesteps down between the rows (1-2), 2 sidesteps back up between the rows (3-4), and cast off to below couple 2 (5-8). Couple 2, holding inside hands, moves up on bars 7-8.
9-12 (3) All take R in R hand with partner, balancé forwards twwards partner (9), retire with one balancé step away from partner (10), and change places, W turning CCW under joined arms (11-12), with 6 walking steps.
13-16   Repeat 3 with L hands, W turning CW, to return to own side.
17-20 (4) All take R in R hand with 1st corner (person to R of own partner) and turn CW once round and retire to place, 12 walking steps.
21-24   All take L in L hand with partner, and turn CCW once round and retire to place, 12 walking steps.
    Repeat from 1 as desired.

Source: videos
See also: Stildans - rettleiing: Duke of Kent's waltz
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-10-18

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