Enkel engelska

Country: Sweden and/or England
Type: couple mixer
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, holding inside hands. Alternate couples facing LOD and RLOD.
Steps: hurrasteg (buzz), gångsteg (walk)
Sheet music: for example
(1) engelska efter Alfred Petersson, Nättraby, Blekinge (SvL, Band 18, nr 313),
angelejs ur Pehr Ekelunds notbok, Skåne,
(3) engelska efter Ola i Skarup, Blekinge
[any engelska/anglaise, reel, jig or polka with AB (A=B=8) or AABB (A=B=4) structure and appropriate tempo.]
Recordings: Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble Skandia (1989) track 02; Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble Skandia (1997) track 02;
[any engelska/anglaise, reel, jig or polka with AB (A=B=8) or AABB (A=B=4) structure and appropriate tempo.]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Circle: Facing couples form closed circles, and circle CW, 8 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 8 walking steps.
9-12 (b) Advance & retire: Facing couples advance (9-10), 4 walking steps. Retire ditto (11-12), 4 walking steps.
13-16   Progress: Couples facing RLOD form arches. Facing couples advance, those facing LOD passing under arches formed by those facing RLOD, and continue to next oncoming couple, 8 walking steps.
Repeat from (a) as desired.

Source: Skandia Music Foundation/ Enkel engelska. s.l.: Skandia Music Foundation, 1997.
See also:
-- Acla Sicilien circle 2010. [in Swedish]
-- Enge, Nick The Sicilian Circle. s.l.: Library of Dance, 2015. Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-08-10

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